
Crucial Role of Strategic Copywriting in Web Design

What's good website copy? It's when your ICP (the intended recipient) will find it clear, relevant, differentiated and compelling. Optimize and iterate until you're there. Good website copy persuade, convince and drive action.

Last updated
September 16, 2024

The Underestimation of Copywriting in Web Design

In the bustling realm of Software as a Service (SaaS), a common yet critical oversight lurks in the shadows of strategic messaging. Senior leadership teams often pour their expertise and insights into crafting compelling strategic messages, aiming to captivate and engage their audience. However, this well-intentioned effort frequently falls short in execution, primarily due to subpar copywriting. The crux of the issue lies in the delegation of this vital task to inexperienced hands or external freelancers who may lack a deep understanding of the company's core values, mission, and the nuances of its offerings. This disconnect not only dilutes the intended impact of the message but also risks misrepresenting the brand's identity and values. Strategic messaging is not just a matter of linguistic prowess; it is an integral component of a company's strategic vision and market positioning. Entrusting it to those without a thorough grasp of the company's ethos and strategic objectives is akin to building a visually stunning ship that can't sail. Thus, it's imperative for SaaS companies to recognize the strategic importance of messaging and ensure it is handled with the same level of expertise and care as its development, for it is the bridge that connects the product to its intended audience.

The Consequence of Mediocre Copywriting in Web Design

Mediocre copywriting can have profound implications on a company's go-to-market strategy, especially in today's highly competitive business environment. One of the critical areas where this impact is most evident is in the articulation of the company's unique value proposition (UVP) on its website, a primary touchpoint with potential customers.

When copywriting is vague or generic, often a result of inexperience, it fails to effectively communicate the UVP. This is a significant setback because the UVP is what sets a company apart from its competitors. It's the compelling reason why customers should choose one product or service over another. Inexperienced copywriting tends to rely on overused buzzwords and broad statements that do not resonate with specific target audiences. This lack of specificity and differentiation makes it difficult for potential customers to understand why they should opt for this particular company's offerings.

Furthermore, subpar copywriting can lead to a misalignment between the company's messaging and its brand identity. Consistent and clear messaging is crucial in building brand recognition and trust. If the language on the website is confusing or inconsistent, it can create a disconnect in the minds of the customers, leading to diminished trust and a weakened brand image.

In the context of a go-to-market strategy, where the goal is to enter the market effectively and gain traction quickly, compelling and clear communication is essential. Mediocre copywriting not only undermines the effectiveness of marketing campaigns but also impacts lead generation and conversion rates. A website that fails to capture the essence of what the company offers and why it matters to the customer is less likely to engage and convert visitors into customers.

Moreover, in the digital age where content plays a key role in search engine optimization (SEO), poor copywriting can result in lower search rankings, reducing the visibility of the company's website to potential customers.

In summary, mediocre copywriting can severely impact a company's go-to-market strategy by failing to clearly and compellingly convey its unique value proposition. This not only affects customer engagement and conversion but also impacts brand trust and online visibility, all of which are crucial for the success of the go-to-market efforts.

The Need for Skilled Copywriters in B2b Web Design

The necessity of skilled copywriting for SaaS (Software as a Service) websites cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in translating internal messaging documents into effective, customer-facing content. Even the most meticulously crafted internal messaging frameworks can lose their impact when rendered into subpar copy, making skilled copywriting an indispensable asset.

Firstly, skilled copywriting ensures that the core messaging is communicated clearly and compellingly to the target audience. SaaS products often involve complex technologies and concepts, which need to be conveyed in a manner that is both understandable and engaging to potential users. Expert copywriters possess the ability to distill complex ideas into concise, easy-to-understand language that resonates with the audience. This clarity is crucial for attracting and retaining customers in a competitive market.

Secondly, skilled copywriters excel in capturing and conveying the unique value proposition (UVP) of a SaaS product. This involves more than just stating what the product does; it requires an insightful articulation of how the product addresses specific pain points, offers unique solutions, and provides value to the customer. Inexperienced copywriting often falls into the trap of generic or vague language, which fails to differentiate the product in the crowded SaaS marketplace.

Additionally, effective copywriting on SaaS websites is integral to the user experience. A website serves as a primary interface between the company and its potential customers. Skilled copywriters know how to craft content that guides visitors through the site, providing them with the information they need and encouraging them to take action, whether that's signing up for a trial, scheduling a demo, or making a purchase.

Moreover, in the digital realm, where search engine optimization (SEO) plays a significant role in a website's visibility, skilled copywriting is essential. SEO-friendly copy that integrates relevant keywords without compromising the natural flow and readability of the text is a specialized skill. This not only helps in ranking higher on search engines but also ensures that the content is engaging and informative for the reader.

Lastly, skilled copywriting is crucial for maintaining brand consistency and voice across all platforms. A consistent brand voice helps in building trust and credibility with the audience. Inexperienced or inconsistent copywriting can lead to a disjointed brand experience, negatively impacting the company’s image and its relationship with customers.

In conclusion, skilled copywriting is not just a supplementary element but a fundamental necessity for SaaS websites. It ensures that the internal messaging is effectively translated into impactful, customer-facing content, vital for engaging users, conveying the UVP, enhancing user experience, optimizing for search engines, and maintaining brand consistency.

The Essence of Quality Copy

Effective copywriting is an art that combines clarity, relevance, differentiation, and a compelling nature, all tailored to speak directly to the intended recipient or Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Here's a breakdown of these key attributes:

  1. Clarity: Good copy should be crystal clear in its communication. It must convey the intended message in a straightforward manner, avoiding ambiguity or confusion. This means using simple, concise language that is easy to understand. Clarity helps in ensuring that the reader grasps the message quickly and accurately, which is especially crucial in the fast-paced digital world where attention spans are short.
  2. Relevance: Effective copy is always relevant to its audience. It should address the specific interests, needs, or problems of the ICP. This requires an in-depth understanding of the target audience, including their pain points, desires, and behavior. Relevance makes the copy relatable to the reader, increasing engagement and the likelihood of a positive response.
  3. Differentiation: In a crowded market, good copy should set a product, service, or brand apart from its competitors. This involves highlighting unique features, benefits, or the unique value proposition (UVP) in a way that is meaningful to the target audience. Differentiation ensures that the copy not only grabs attention but also positions the offering in a unique light in the reader’s mind.
  4. Compelling Nature: The best copywriting not only informs but also engages and persuades. It should have a compelling nature that motivates the reader to take a desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or following a brand on social media. This requires a blend of persuasive language, emotional appeal, and sometimes, a sense of urgency.
  5. Directly Speaking to the ICP: Good copy should feel like a personal conversation with the intended recipient. It should use a tone and language that resonate with the ICP, and it should address them directly, often using second-person pronouns like “you” and “your.” This personalized approach helps in building a connection and trust between the brand and the audience.
  6. Resonating with Needs and Preferences: Finally, effective copy should echo the needs, preferences, and values of the ICP. It requires not only knowing what the audience needs but also understanding their deeper motivations, preferences, and lifestyle. This alignment makes the copy more impactful and persuasive, as it demonstrates that the brand understands and cares about its audience.

In summary, good copy is clear, relevant, differentiated, and compelling, crafted in a way that speaks directly and personally to the intended audience. It resonates with the audience’s needs and preferences, creating a connection that is both meaningful and effective in driving desired actions.

What is the difference between Copywriting and Messaging?

Copywriting and messaging, while often used interchangeably, are distinct components in the realm of marketing and communication. Understanding their differences is key to effectively leveraging each in a brand's strategy.

Messaging for B2B Brands

  • Strategic Narrative: Messaging is about creating a strategic narrative for a brand, product, or service. It involves defining the core messages that encapsulate what the brand stands for, its value proposition, its unique selling points, and its overall vision and mission.
  • Foundation of Communication: Messaging serves as the foundation for all communication efforts. It establishes the key themes and ideas that should be consistently communicated across all channels and platforms.
  • Consistency and Alignment: Good messaging ensures consistency and alignment across various marketing and communication efforts. It helps in maintaining a coherent brand identity and voice, regardless of the medium.
  • Target Audience Understanding: Effective messaging is built on a deep understanding of the target audience, including their needs, preferences, challenges, and behaviors. This understanding shapes the overall narrative in a way that resonates with the audience.

Copywriting for B2B Brands

  • Communication of the Narrative: Copywriting is the art of communicating the strategic narrative crafted in the messaging. It involves the creation of actual text (copy) used in marketing materials – be it website content, advertising, social media posts, or email campaigns.
  • Persuasive and Action-Driving: The goal of copywriting is not just to inform but to persuade and drive action. Good copywriting compels the audience to engage with the brand, whether through purchasing a product, signing up for a service, or simply fostering a favorable brand perception.
  • Tone and Style Adaptation: Copywriting requires adapting the tone and style to suit different platforms and purposes while staying true to the core messaging. This means that the way the message is presented might vary from a social media post to a formal report, but the underlying message remains consistent.
  • Creativity and Engagement: While messaging provides the framework, copywriting adds creativity and engagement. It's about crafting phrases, headlines, and narratives that capture attention, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impression on the audience.

In essence, messaging is about what you want to say – the core ideas and values that define a brand or product. Copywriting, on the other hand, is about how you say it – the creative and persuasive expression of those ideas in written form. Both are crucial and complementary; effective messaging provides a strong foundation for impactful copywriting, and skilled copywriting brings a brand's messaging to life.

The iterative nature of copywriting is a crucial aspect of its effectiveness and impact in B2b Web Design

Unlike a one-time effort, copywriting is a dynamic, ongoing process that evolves through continuous optimization and iteration. This refinement cycle is key to ensuring that the copy not only aligns perfectly with the strategic messaging but also resonates deeply with the target audience.

Initial Draft and Feedback Loop

  1. The process starts with creating an initial draft based on the established messaging strategy. This initial version is rarely perfect and serves as a starting point for further development.
  2. Feedback plays a critical role at this stage. This can come from various sources, including the marketing team, stakeholders, or a focus group representing the target audience. Feedback provides insights into how well the copy aligns with the messaging and its impact on the audience.

Data-Driven Adjustments:

  1. In today's digital world, data analytics provide valuable insights into how the audience interacts with the copy. Metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and time spent on a page can offer tangible evidence of the copy’s effectiveness.
  2. Iteration involves making data-driven adjustments. This could mean tweaking the language, refining the call-to-action, or reorganizing the information flow to enhance clarity and engagement.

A/B Testing:

  1. A/B testing is a powerful tool in the copywriter’s arsenal. By creating different versions of the same copy and testing them with segments of the audience, copywriters can determine which elements resonate best.
  2. This testing helps in fine-tuning the language, tone, and structure of the copy, ensuring it not only conveys the message effectively but also triggers the desired response from the audience.

Alignment with Evolving Messaging:

  1. As a company grows and evolves, so does its strategic messaging. The copywriting process, therefore, must be adaptable to align with any changes in the company's messaging, brand voice, or target audience preferences.
  2. Regular reviews and updates to the copy ensure that it stays relevant and effective in communicating the current brand message.

Audience Feedback and Changing Trends:

  1. Audience feedback and changing market trends also necessitate iterative changes. What resonates with an audience today might not have the same impact tomorrow due to changes in market dynamics, consumer preferences, or competitive landscape.
  2. Keeping the copy up-to-date and in tune with the audience’s current needs and preferences is crucial for maintaining engagement and effectiveness.

Continuous Improvement:

  1. The goal of the iterative process is continuous improvement. Each cycle of feedback, analysis, testing, and refinement makes the copy more effective and impactful.
  2. This ongoing process ensures that the copy not only serves its immediate purpose but also contributes to long-term brand building and customer relationship management.

In conclusion, copywriting is not a static activity but an iterative process that evolves over time. Continuous optimization, guided by feedback, data analytics, and market trends, is essential for crafting copy that not only aligns with strategic messaging but also effectively resonates with and engages the target audience. This iterative nature of copywriting ensures its relevance, impact, and alignment with the brand's evolving narrative.

Positioning, Messaging, and Copy - A Mini Dictionary

Positioning Explained

Positioning is a fundamental concept in marketing that involves defining how a brand, product, or service is perceived in the minds of the target audience, especially in relation to competitors. It's about carving out a distinct place in the market and in the customer's mind, making a product or service the preferred choice. Positioning is closely tied to understanding buyers' unmet needs, leveraging unique differentiators, and recognizing competitive alternatives. It forms the bedrock upon which strategic messaging and website copy are built.

Understanding Buyers' Unmet Needs:
  • Effective positioning starts with a deep understanding of the target audience, particularly their unmet needs and pain points. It's about identifying gaps in the market that the product or service can fill.
  • By addressing these unmet needs, a brand can position itself as a solution that understands and caters to what the customer is truly seeking. This relevance is key to creating a strong position in the market.
Leveraging Unique Differentiators:
  • The next step in positioning is to identify and leverage the unique differentiators of the brand or product. These are features or aspects that set it apart from the competition.
  • Differentiators could be anything from superior technology, innovative features, exceptional customer service, to a unique brand story or sustainability practices.
  • Communicating these differentiators effectively helps in establishing a brand’s unique place in the market, making it stand out among competitors.
Recognizing Competitive Alternatives:
  • Understanding the competitive landscape is crucial for effective positioning. This involves recognizing not just direct competitors but also indirect alternatives that the target audience might consider.
  • Analyzing competitors helps in understanding their strengths and weaknesses, which can be used to further refine a brand's positioning by emphasizing areas where it excels over others.
Foundation for Strategic Messaging:
  • Positioning directly informs the strategic messaging of a brand. The messaging should reflect the unique position that the brand seeks to occupy in the market.
  • This messaging is then translated into the language, tone, and content of marketing materials, including website copy. It dictates how the brand communicates its value proposition, differentiators, and relevance to the audience's needs.
Copy for Website:
  • When it comes to website copy, positioning plays a pivotal role. The copy must clearly communicate the brand's position in the market, ensuring that visitors immediately understand what the brand offers, how it's different, and why it matters.
  • Every element of the website, from the homepage to product descriptions, should reinforce the brand’s positioning. This includes highlighting unique selling points, addressing customer needs, and differentiating from competitors.
Consistency Across Channels:
  • Consistency in messaging across all channels is key to reinforcing the positioning. Whether a customer interacts with the brand on social media, reads an email newsletter, or visits the website, the positioning should be clear and consistent.
  • In summary, positioning is about strategically defining a brand’s place in the market by understanding and addressing buyer's unmet needs, leveraging unique differentiators, and acknowledging competitive alternatives. It forms the foundation for strategic messaging and is crucial in crafting website copy that communicates the brand’s unique stance, connects with the target audience, and distinguishes it from competitors. Effective positioning ensures that the brand resonates with its audience and stands out in a crowded marketplace.

The Role of Messaging:

Messaging in the context of marketing and brand strategy is a critical component that goes beyond mere words. It is a strategic narrative that not only describes the buyer's world but also articulates the transformation offered by the company. This narrative acts as a blueprint for all forms of communication, shaping everything from advertising campaigns to the narratives present on the company’s website.

Describing the Buyer's World:
  1. Effective messaging starts with a deep understanding of the buyer's world. This involves comprehending their needs, challenges, aspirations, and pain points. The message should reflect an awareness and empathy for these aspects, demonstrating that the company understands its audience.
  2. By accurately describing the buyer's world, the company establishes a connection and builds trust with its audience. It shows that the company is not just selling a product or service, but is genuinely engaged with the issues and experiences of its customers.
Articulating the Transformation Offered:
  1. The next critical aspect of messaging is to articulate the transformation that the company’s product or service promises to bring about in the buyer’s world. This is where the company's value proposition comes into play.
  2. This transformation can be practical, such as saving time, reducing costs, or improving efficiency, or it can be emotional, like providing peace of mind, enhancing enjoyment, or boosting confidence.
  3. The message should make clear how the company’s offerings translate into tangible benefits or positive changes in the life or business of the customer.
Blueprint for All Communication:
  1. Messaging serves as a guiding framework or blueprint for all forms of communication by the company. It ensures consistency in how the brand presents itself across various platforms and touchpoints.
  2. Whether it’s marketing collateral, social media posts, press releases, or internal communications, all should be rooted in the core messaging to maintain a cohesive and consistent brand narrative.
Shaping Website Narratives:
  1. On the company’s website, which is often the first point of detailed interaction with the brand, messaging plays a vital role in shaping narratives. The website’s content, from the homepage to product descriptions, should be infused with the strategic messaging.
  2. It should clearly reflect the understanding of the buyer's world and the transformation offered, guiding potential customers through a journey that aligns with their needs and leads them towards a call to action.
Dynamic and Evolving:
  1. It’s important to note that messaging is not static. As the market evolves, as new competitors emerge, and as the needs and preferences of customers change, the messaging may also need to adapt.
  2. Regularly revisiting and, if necessary, revising the messaging ensures that it remains relevant and resonant with the target audience.

In conclusion, messaging is a strategic narrative that does more than just describe a product or service; it delves into the buyer's world, offering a transformation that aligns with their needs and desires. It is the cornerstone of all communication efforts, ensuring consistency and coherence in how the brand is perceived and engaged with, especially through narratives presented on the company’s website.

Understanding Copy and Content in B2B Web Design Context:

On a B2B website, the distinction between copy and content is both subtle and significant, with each serving a unique purpose in the overall marketing strategy. Understanding these differences is key to leveraging them effectively for engaging and converting potential business clients.


  1. Purpose: The primary aim of copy on a B2B website is to persuade and drive action. This includes actions like filling out a contact form, signing up for a trial, downloading a whitepaper, or making a purchase.
  2. Characteristics: Copy is typically more direct and action-oriented. It is crafted to be concise, compelling, and often includes a clear call-to-action (CTA). The language is focused on conversion and is designed to elicit an immediate response from the reader.
  3. Examples: Examples of copy on a B2B website include headlines, product descriptions, promotional banners, CTAs, and sales-oriented landing pages.
  4. Focus on Benefits: Copy often highlights the benefits of a product or service, emphasizing how it solves a problem, improves efficiency, or adds value to the business.


  1. Purpose: Content, on the other hand, is generally focused on informing, educating, or entertaining the audience. Its goal is to engage the audience at a deeper level, often forming part of a longer-term relationship-building strategy.
  2. Characteristics: Content tends to be more informative and detailed. It can include industry insights, thought leadership, educational material, or even entertainment. The tone can be more narrative and less sales-oriented compared to copy.
  3. Examples: Typical examples of content on a B2B website are blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, how-to guides, webinars, and industry reports.
  4. Building Trust and Authority: Good content positions the company as an expert in its field, building trust and authority with the audience. This is crucial in the B2B context, where decisions are often based on trust and credibility.

Complementary Roles:

  1. Synergy: While copy and content have distinct roles, they often work best in synergy. Compelling copy can draw visitors to explore deeper content, while high-quality content can provide the detailed information and trust needed to encourage action.
  2. Journey Through the Funnel: In a B2B marketing funnel, content often plays a key role in the awareness and consideration stages, helping to educate and nurture potential clients. Copy becomes more critical as the prospect moves closer to the decision stage, where the focus shifts to conversion.
  3. Strategic Integration:
  4. Holistic Strategy: A well-balanced B2B website will strategically integrate both copy and content. This ensures that while the site guides visitors towards taking action, it also provides them with the information and assurance they need to make informed decisions.
  5. Consistent Messaging: Despite their differences, both copy and content should be consistent in terms of messaging and brand voice, ensuring a cohesive brand experience for the visitor.

In summary, copy and content serve distinct but complementary roles on a B2B website. Copy is designed to persuade and drive immediate action, while content is aimed at informing, educating, and building a relationship with the audience. Both are essential in a holistic B2B marketing strategy, working together to engage, inform, and convert potential business clients.

What is a Copywriting Research Checklist for B2B Web Design?

The Copywriting Research Checklist is a comprehensive tool that guides copywriters in creating copy that not only resonates with the target audience but also effectively communicates the brand's message. Here’s a breakdown of this checklist:

Basics and Strategy:

  1. Features, Benefits, and USPs (Unique Selling Propositions): Start by identifying the features of the product or service, the benefits these features offer, and how they translate into USPs. This understanding is crucial for highlighting why the product or service is valuable to the customer.
  2. Addressing Clichés: Be aware of clichés in your industry and strive to avoid or reinvent them in your copy. Fresh and original expressions can make your copy stand out.
  3. Social Issues and Tech Trends: Stay informed about current social issues and technological trends, as these can influence consumer behavior and expectations. Incorporating these elements can make your copy more relevant and timely.

Words and Customer Insights:

  1. Word Choice: Pay attention to word choice, including the use of mind maps, idioms, and metaphors, to make the copy more engaging and memorable. The right words can evoke emotions and create a vivid picture in the reader’s mind.
  2. Understanding the Customer: Utilize customer reviews, interviews, and behavior analysis on various channels to gain insights into their preferences, pain points, and language. This knowledge enables you to tailor the copy to speak directly to the customer’s needs and desires.

Product and Brand Analysis:

  1. Understanding the Product and Brand: Delve into the history of the product and the brand, including its evolution and its relationship with customers. This background provides a richer context for your copy, allowing you to connect with customers on a deeper level.
  2. Leveraging Myths, Social Norms, and User Rituals: Explore the myths, social norms, and rituals associated with your product or industry. Integrating these elements can make your copy resonate more strongly with the audience by tapping into familiar concepts or shared experiences.

In crafting copy that resonates with the audience, it is essential to blend these strategic, linguistic, and contextual elements skillfully. The checklist serves as a roadmap, guiding the copywriter through a thorough research process that informs and enriches the final copy. This approach ensures that the copy is not just a collection of words but a strategically crafted message that engages, informs, and motivates the audience.

Should you start your B2b web design with copywriting or design?

Starting with copywriting in website development is a strategic approach that ensures the website's content is not only aligned with the company's messaging but also effectively meets the audience's needs. This method offers numerous benefits, both in the development process and in the quality of the final product.

  1. Precedence of Copywriting in Web Design:
  2. Aligning with Strategic Messaging: Beginning with copywriting ensures that the website's design and structure are built around the company's strategic messaging. This alignment guarantees that the core messages are conveyed effectively throughout the site.
  3. Meeting Audience Needs: By focusing on copy first, the development process becomes centered around the needs and preferences of the audience. This ensures that the content addresses their questions, solves their problems, and speaks in a tone that resonates with them.
  4. Benefits for the Development Process:
  5. Easier Planning: Starting with the copy allows for more straightforward planning of the site's structure. It becomes clearer which pages are needed and how they should be organized.
  6. Content Organization: When copy is prioritized, the content dictates the layout. This leads to a more logical and intuitive organization of information, making it easier for users to navigate and find what they need.
  7. Creating a Wireframe that Serves Content's Needs: Wireframes created post-copywriting are more effective as they are designed to serve the content's needs. This ensures that the design enhances the readability and impact of the copy, rather than constraining or overshadowing it.
  8. Improving End Results:
  9. User-Friendly Websites: Websites developed with a copy-first approach tend to be more user-friendly. The design is guided by the content’s flow and structure, making it easier for users to navigate and engage with the site.
  10. Content-Rich Sites: Such websites are often content-rich, providing valuable and relevant information that meets the audience’s needs. This richness not only engages users but can also improve search engine rankings.
  11. Alignment with Company's Messaging Strategy: Starting with copywriting ensures that every aspect of the website is in sync with the company’s overall messaging strategy. This coherence strengthens the brand's voice and ensures consistency across all platforms.

In conclusion, starting with copywriting in web development is a strategy that not only streamlines the development process but also enhances the effectiveness and impact of the final product. It ensures that the website is not just aesthetically pleasing but is also content-rich, user-friendly, and perfectly aligned with the company's strategic messaging and audience's needs.

In b2b web design, who are the different type of stakeholders for which you need to write copy?

Understanding and catering to different decision-making types is crucial in copywriting, especially in creating content that resonates with a diverse audience. The four primary decision-making types are Spontaneous, Humanistic, Methodical, and Competitive, each requiring a unique approach in copywriting.

Understanding the Four Types of website visitors:

  1. Spontaneous: These decision-makers are impulsive and make decisions quickly. They respond to urgency and excitement.
  2. Humanistic: Humanistic decision-makers are empathetic and relate to personal stories and experiences. They value relationships and emotional connections.
  3. Methodical: This group is detail-oriented and makes decisions based on thorough analysis and comprehensive information. They prefer logical and structured information.
  4. Competitive: Competitive decision-makers are goal-oriented and value efficiency, expertise, and direct benefits. They make decisions based on what will give them a competitive edge.

Tailoring Copy to Each Type:

  1. Spontaneous: For this group, copy should create a sense of urgency and excitement. Phrases like "limited offer" or "act now" can be effective. The copy should be concise and to the point, highlighting immediate benefits.
  2. Humanistic: The copy should tell a story, focusing on real-life experiences and testimonials. It should build a narrative that creates an emotional connection, emphasizing how the product or service improves lives.
  3. Methodical: Detailed, informative, and data-driven copy works best. The content should be thorough, providing in-depth information, features, benefits, and comparisons. Trust indicators like certifications and studies add value.
  4. Competitive: For competitive decision-makers, the copy should emphasize efficiency, expertise, and the edge the product or service provides. Highlighting innovation, leadership, and superior performance can be persuasive.

Creating a Universal Appeal:

  1. Balanced Approach: To appeal to all types, the website should have a balanced mix of all these elements. This includes a combination of emotional storytelling, urgent calls to action, detailed information, and competitive advantages.
  2. Segmented Content: One strategy is to segment the content on the website. For example, case studies and testimonials can appeal to humanistic types, while whitepapers and detailed guides cater to methodical decision-makers.
  3. Flexible and Adaptive Design: The website design can be adaptive, highlighting different aspects to different users based on their interaction with the site. For instance, a user spending time on detailed product specs could be shown more in-depth information.
  4. Unified Messaging with Diverse Elements: While the core message should remain consistent, incorporating diverse elements in the copy can ensure it resonates with different decision-making types. This might mean balancing emotional appeal with logical arguments and urgent calls to action with detailed data.

In conclusion, catering to different decision-making types in website copywriting involves understanding the unique preferences and triggers of each group. By tailoring the copy to meet these varying needs and combining these approaches strategically, a website can effectively appeal to a diverse audience, ensuring the message resonates and prompts action across the spectrum of decision-making styles.

How to craft value proposition in your b2b website?

A value proposition is a concise statement that clearly articulates why a customer should choose a product or service. Crafting a compelling value proposition involves several key components, each playing a vital role in capturing attention and effectively conveying the core message. These components include the headline, sub-headline, bullet points, and visuals.


  1. The headline is the most critical part of the value proposition. It's the first thing that captures the audience's attention, so it needs to be impactful and concise.
  2. An effective headline directly states the primary benefit or value that the product or service offers. It should be clear, specific, and tailored to the target audience’s needs or pain points.
  3. The headline should be intriguing enough to engage the audience but straightforward enough to be understood at a glance.


  1. The sub-headline supports the headline by providing additional details or clarification. It elaborates on the benefit or value stated in the headline.
  2. This component often explains how the product or service works, or how it differs from competitors. It’s an opportunity to add context to the headline and start building a narrative around the offering.
  3. The sub-headline should be brief yet informative, complementing the headline without overwhelming the reader.

Bullet Points:

  1. Bullet points break down the key benefits or features of the product or service. They help in organizing the information in an easily digestible format.
  2. Good bullet points are concise and focused. Each point should highlight a specific benefit or feature that adds value to the potential customer.
  3. This component is crucial for quickly conveying the multiple advantages of the offering, making it easier for the audience to scan and grasp the key points.


  1. Visuals include images, graphics, or videos that complement the text components of the value proposition. They play a significant role in enhancing comprehension and retention.
  2. The right visuals can illustrate the benefits or features mentioned in the text, making them more tangible and relatable to the audience.
  3. Effective visuals are aligned with the brand’s identity and are relevant to the product or service. They should be of high quality and professionally presented.

Each of these components contributes to the overall effectiveness of the value proposition. The headline and sub-headline capture and retain attention, the bullet points succinctly convey key benefits and features, and the visuals aid in understanding and engagement. Together, these elements create a cohesive, compelling narrative that clearly communicates why a product or service is the best choice for the target audience.

In conclusion, strategic copywriting stands as a pivotal element in the success of b2b SaaS websites. It's not merely about creating engaging content but about crafting a narrative that resonates deeply with the target audience, aligns seamlessly with the brand's strategic messaging, and effectively communicates the unique value proposition of the product or service. The art of strategic copywriting involves understanding the nuanced needs of different decision-making types, ensuring clarity and persuasiveness in messaging, and consistently refining the approach based on audience feedback and market trends.

For senior marketing managers in the SaaS industry, it's imperative to reevaluate and prioritize the role of copywriting within their marketing strategies. This involves:

  1. Ensuring Alignment with Strategic Messaging: Regularly review and adjust the copy to ensure that it stays aligned with the core strategic messaging of the brand. This alignment is crucial for maintaining a consistent and coherent brand voice across all platforms.
  2. Addressing the Diverse Needs of the Audience: Recognize and cater to the varied decision-making types within your audience. Tailor your copy to speak to the different preferences and behaviors, from those who make spontaneous decisions to those who require detailed, methodical information.
  3. Investing in Skilled Copywriting: Consider the value of skilled copywriters who can effectively translate your strategic vision into compelling, action-driving copy. Whether it's in-house talent or external expertise, the right copywriters can significantly elevate the impact of your marketing efforts.
  4. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Stay abreast of the latest trends in copywriting, user behavior, and digital marketing. Adapt your copywriting strategies to these evolving trends to ensure that your messaging remains relevant and impactful.

Senior marketing managers should view strategic copywriting not as a one-off task but as an ongoing, integral part of their marketing efforts. By doing so, they can ensure that their marketing campaigns are not only creative and engaging but also strategically aligned and effective in driving business growth and customer engagement.

Remember, in the competitive landscape of SaaS, where every word counts in capturing the fleeting attention of potential customers, strategic copywriting is not just a tool but a crucial weapon in your marketing arsenal.

If you need a new website, do not start with a website designer/developer ❌

Instead, start with a website copywriter ✅


☑️ Do your customer research
☑️ Plan your content
☑️ Design your wireframe
☑️ Collect new testimonials for you
☑️ Decide on the page length, flow, and structure
☑️ Write all the words

Once you're happy with your content, now you ask a designer and developer to bring it to life.

Written on:
December 4, 2023
Reviewed by:
Mejo Kuriachan

About Author

Mejo Kuriachan

Co-Founder and Brand Strategist

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