Innovative Solutions for Success Aera Tech

Aera technology is a technology company specialising in innovative solutions. They leverage AI, data analytics, and automation to improve business operations. From finance to healthcare, manufacturing to logistics, Aera technology helps optimise processes and enable data-driven decisions for business success.

Audited by
Yash Muley
Audited on
July 14, 2024
In this website audit...
Messaging & Headlines
Visual Design
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Website Messaging

Messaging & Headlines -

  • Short and friendly messaging establishes a comfortable user experience.
  • Present tense in the copy adds a sense of immediacy and engagement.
  • Visuals and conversational text referencing use cases effectively convey key points.
  • The home page avoids cluttering with jargon, opting for concise and impactful headers that clearly communicate the company's activities.
  • The tone of voice is impactful, friendly, and conversational, further enhancing user engagement.

Content Framework -

  • The website combines a classic B2B approach with a dynamic design approach.
  • Minimal sections on the homepage feature short descriptors supported by conversational text boxes highlighting use cases.
  • A strong and impactful statement is combined with a testimonial section, enhancing trust and credibility in the company's promises.
  • The footer showcases all the areas in which Aera can provide assistance, offering a comprehensive overview of their expertise.

Conversion Copy -

  • The website's copy is free from excessive jargon, maintaining simplicity and clarity.
  • The primary focus is on providing users with the necessary information.
  • The copy emphasizes what users can gain or achieve with the products and solutions offered by the company, ensuring a user-centric approach.
Aera Tech is dedicated to assisting users in making informed business decisions. The design of the website reflects this goal by effectively conveying their offerings and helping users understand the benefits of working with Aera Tech. The design elements and layout work together to provide a clear understanding of what Aera Tech can do for their clients, fostering a strong connection between the users' needs and the solutions provided by the company.

Visual Design

Brand Language -

  • The website's clean white background serves as a strong foundation, allowing the hero element and information to be perceived clearly and effectively.
  • By employing subtle pastel colors on a white background, the hero element enhances the prominence of the text, ensuring it shines.
  • Subtle shades of grey and pastel colors are strategically utilized throughout the website to create focus and contrast, capturing users' attention.
  • Ample whitespace is thoughtfully incorporated, enabling users to easily concentrate on each element, header, and section, promoting a seamless user experience.
  • The visual language employs captivating human imagery and engaging videos, delivering an impactful and immersive virtual experience that resonates with users.

Illustrations -

  • The website showcases minimal illustrative elements, contributing to a clean and uncluttered design aesthetic.
  • Abstract minimal iconography is predominantly used as the primary style, enhancing visual appeal and simplicity.
  • A secondary icon style, featuring more detailed elements, is also incorporated into the design, adding depth and variety.
  • The hero element plays a prominent role throughout the website, providing an intuitive navigation experience and establishing strong brand recall.
  • Strategically placed in the hero sections, the hero element creates a lasting impression and reinforces the brand's identity.

Motion Graphics -

  • The website incorporates minimal motion graphics, enhancing the visual appeal and engagement.
  • Short human videos are strategically employed, accompanied by floating text clouds, to effectively convey messages or information.
  • These elements not only capture the attention of users but also facilitate effective communication of key points and information.
  • The use of motion graphics adds a layer of interactivity and visual interest, enhancing the overall user experience.

Interactions & Animations -

  • The website utilizes a palette of subtle and impactful colors.
  • However, a slightly increased use of these colors could enhance the overall visual experience. 

Brand Language -

  • The brand language employs a thin font style. However, this thin font can potentially strain the eyes of users.
  • It is important to consider the legibility and readability of the font for optimal user experience.
  • Ensuring that the font is easy to read will enhance the overall user experience and accessibility.
Used cases combined with human imagery and friendly copy builds a sense of trust.
Use of iconography that supports important information.


Responsiveness -

  • The website is fully responsive, adapting smoothly to different devices.
  • All elements seen in the desktop version are retained in the mobile adaptation.
  • However, the use of white space is significantly reduced in the mobile version which hampers the overall experience.
  • The focus is on maintaining the clarity and legibility of the content on mobile devices.

Brand language -

  • The brand language of the website utilizes subtle pastel colors that are strategically integrated throughout the design.
  • These colors add a sense of elegance and sophistication to the overall look and feel of the website.
  • Expanding the use of these colors would infuse the website with additional vibrancy and visual interest. although careful consideration should be given to maintaining a balance between vibrancy and maintaining a cohesive and harmonious color scheme.


Layout -

  • The website features a simplified layout that facilitates easy adaptability to mobile devices.
  • Despite its simplicity, the design remains engaging and avoids monotony.
  • The visual design and user interface work harmoniously to create a memorable website experience.
  • The design effectively communicates information to the user.
  • Call-to-action (CTA) buttons are strategically placed on the navigation bar and at the end of the page, allowing users to explore the information before encountering the CTAs.
  • On the resources page, a secondary tab is used for seamless navigation and improved user experience.

Memorable -

  • The homepage hero section immediately captures the attention of visitors and entices them to scroll down for more information about Aera Tech.
  • This website sets a benchmark for engagement by utilizing minimal animations and avoiding excessive interactions.
  • The design focuses on delivering a seamless user experience without overwhelming the user with unnecessary elements.
  • The lack of excessive interactions allows for a streamlined and user-friendly browsing experience.

Brand language -

  • The brand language of the website utilizes subtle pastel colors that are strategically integrated throughout the design.
  • These colors add a sense of elegance and sophistication to the overall look and feel of the website.
  • Expanding the use of these colors would infuse the website with additional vibrancy and visual interest. although careful consideration should be given to maintaining a balance between vibrancy and maintaining a cohesive and harmonious color scheme.


Navigation -

  • The absence of repetitive CTAs, such as "Sign-Up" or "Get in Touch," avoids overwhelming the user and instead strategically places these CTAs on the navigation bar and at the end of the page before the footer.
  • This approach allows users to explore the information and engage with the content before being prompted to take action.
  • By placing the CTAs strategically, the website encourages users to fully absorb the information and make informed decisions before deciding to contact or engage further.
  • The user-centric approach emphasises a seamless browsing experience and helps users find the desired information without feeling pressured.

Contact -

  • The website strategically places the call-to-action (CTA) on the navigation bar instead of the hero section, allowing users to focus on the information without feeling pressured to make an immediate decision.
  • This approach indicates that the brand prioritizes providing relevant and valuable content to the users before prompting them to take action.
  • The website's design and layout suggest a user-centric approach, empowering users to make informed decisions at their own pace without overwhelming them with constant CTAs.
  • This strategy reflects the brand's trust in the users' ability to navigate the website, gather the necessary information, and take the desired action when they feel ready.

Trustworthy -

  • The website utilises strong, impactful, and approachable copy, which instills trust in the user and enhances the brand's credibility.
  • The use of cohesive and minimal layouts throughout the website creates a clean and organised visual experience for the user.
  • The friendly and conversational tone of the copy further enhances the approachability of the brand, making it easier for users to connect with the content.
  • The incorporation of human imagery adds a personal touch to the website, making it more relatable and humanizing the brand.
  • Overall, these elements work together to create a website that feels trustworthy, approachable, and relatable to the user, fostering a positive user experience.

Website Flow & Hierarchy -

  • A concise and focused homepage, combined with detailed solutions pages, ensures a seamless flow of information and easy navigation for users.
  • The clever use of colors, impactful copy, and minimal yet memorable design elements create a visually appealing and engaging experience, enhancing the overall usability of the website.
Aera Tech's website serves as an informative platform, educating users about their services and offerings. The friendly tone of voice effectively communicates the message, guiding users towards strong conversion-focused CTAs. This approach efficiently informs and leads users through the website, facilitating their journey towards taking action.


This standout website effectively showcases Aera Tech's offerings with its minimal design and prominent use of the hero element. The cohesive web experience is enhanced by a friendly, approachable, and impactful tone of voice, adding a human touch to the AI-driven platform. The combination of these elements creates a memorable and engaging user experience.