
How to sell your product to large enterprises as a startup?

Becoming a specialist in a narrow, unsolved problem is a powerful strategy for startups looking to sell to large enterprises.

Last updated
July 12, 2024

Selling to large enterprises as a startup can indeed be challenging due to their risk-averse nature and complex buying processes.

What are the strategies to consider to sell to enterprises if you are a startup?

  1. Leverage Regulation Changes or New Threats: Enterprises often respond to changes in regulation or emerging threats. If your product or service aligns with these changes or addresses these threats, highlight this alignment in your pitch. Demonstrating how your solution helps the enterprise adapt to these changes or mitigate new risks can create a strong motivation for them to consider your offering.
  2. Offer Groundbreaking Solutions with Predictability: Enterprises value predictability and low risk. If your startup offers something innovative, ensure you can also demonstrate how it offers predictability or reduces exposure to risk. This might mean showing evidence of successful case studies, providing robust data, or offering trial periods that minimize risk for the enterprise.
  3. Become a Specialist in a Narrow, Unsolved Problem: Position your startup as the go-to expert in a specific, unsolved problem that the enterprise faces. This involves deeply understanding the problem, perhaps even better than the enterprise itself, and tailoring your solution to meet this specific need. This specialization can make your startup stand out as the best, or only, option for addressing this particular issue.
  4. Build Strong Buyer Motivation and Momentum: Since enterprise buying processes are designed to filter out less compelling solutions, it’s crucial to build strong buyer motivation. This can be achieved through demonstrating undeniable value, aligning with the enterprise's strategic objectives, and engaging with key decision-makers to build momentum within the organization for your solution.
  5. Establish Credibility and Trust: As a startup, you may lack the track record of established competitors. Overcome this by building credibility through testimonials, case studies, partnerships, or endorsements from reputable sources. Trust is key in enterprise sales, so any evidence that your startup is reliable and capable can be very persuasive.
  6. Navigate the Buying Process Skillfully: Understanding the enterprise's buying process is crucial. This includes identifying the key decision-makers, understanding the criteria they use for evaluating solutions, and knowing how to navigate through the various stages of the procurement process. Tailor your sales strategy to align with this process.
  7. Leverage Partnerships and Networks: Sometimes, the best way to enter a large enterprise is through partnerships with other companies that already have a foot in the door. Building a network that can introduce or endorse your startup to the right people in the enterprise can be invaluable.
  8. Focus on Building Relationships: Enterprise sales often hinge on relationships. Invest time in building and nurturing relationships with key stakeholders within the enterprise. This can involve regular communication, understanding their specific challenges and needs, and being responsive and attentive.
  9. Be Patient and Persistent: Finally, be prepared for a long sales cycle. Patience and persistence are key in enterprise sales. Continuously engage with potential clients, provide value in every interaction, and be ready to adapt your strategy as you learn more about the enterprise's specific needs and processes.

Remember, each enterprise is unique, so tailor your approach based on the specific characteristics and needs of the enterprise you are targeting.

How to become a specialist in a narrow, unsolved problem?

Becoming a specialist in a narrow, unsolved problem is a powerful strategy for startups looking to sell to large enterprises. Here's a breakdown of how to approach this:

  1. Identify the Problem: Start by conducting thorough research to identify a specific problem that is currently unsolved or inadequately addressed in the enterprise space. This problem should be significant enough to warrant attention and investment but narrow enough that your startup can realistically develop a deep level of expertise.
  2. Understand the Problem Deeply: Invest time and resources in understanding every facet of this problem. This might involve market research, interviews with potential customers, and staying updated with industry trends. Your goal is to know this problem better than anyone else, including the enterprises you're targeting.
  3. Develop a Tailored Solution: Based on your understanding, develop a solution that addresses the problem effectively. Your solution should not only solve the problem but do so in a way that is more efficient, cost-effective, or innovative than existing solutions.
  4. Build Credibility as an Expert: Establish your startup as a thought leader in this niche area. This can be done through publishing whitepapers, speaking at industry conferences, participating in panel discussions, and being active on professional networks. The aim is to be recognized as the go-to expert for this specific problem.
  5. Demonstrate Success: If possible, pilot your solution with early adopters and gather case studies, testimonials, and data that prove its effectiveness. Success stories and tangible evidence of your solution’s impact can be very persuasive when approaching larger enterprises.
  6. Customize Your Pitch: When approaching enterprises, tailor your pitch to highlight how your specialized solution directly addresses a pain point they are experiencing. Use language and examples that resonate with their specific industry and business needs.
  7. Engage with the Right Stakeholders: Identify and engage with stakeholders within the enterprises who are most affected by the problem you are solving. These are the individuals who will most likely champion your solution within their organization.
  8. Be Ready to Educate: As a specialist in a niche area, part of your role will be to educate potential clients about the problem and your unique solution. Be prepared to explain complex ideas in a clear, accessible way.
  9. Stay Ahead of the Curve: Continuously update your knowledge and improve your solution. In a specialized field, staying at the forefront of new developments is crucial to maintain your status as an expert.
  10. Network and Collaborate: Build networks not just with potential clients but also with other experts in your field. Collaborations can lead to new insights and opportunities.

By focusing on a narrow, unsolved problem and becoming the specialist in that area, your startup can create a unique value proposition that sets you apart in the competitive enterprise market. Your POV is not just a part of your content strategy; it is the essence of it.

Enterprises value predictability and low risk

Offering groundbreaking solutions while ensuring predictability is a balancing act that requires careful planning and execution. Here’s how your startup can approach this:

  1. Develop a Reliable and Innovative Solution: Your solution should not only be innovative but also reliable. This means thoroughly testing your product or service to ensure it delivers consistent results. Reliability breeds predictability, which is key for enterprises.
  2. Gather Evidence Through Case Studies and Pilots: Before approaching large enterprises, it’s beneficial to have a track record of successful implementations. Conduct pilot programs or case studies with other companies, preferably in the same or similar industries as your target enterprises. Document the results meticulously to demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of your solution.
  3. Provide Robust Data and Analytics: Data is critical in demonstrating predictability. Collect and present data that showcases how your solution provides consistent results, improves efficiency, or reduces costs. Use metrics that are relevant to the enterprises you are targeting.
  4. Offer Trial Periods or Money-Back Guarantees: To reduce perceived risk, consider offering trial periods, demonstrations, or money-back guarantees. This allows enterprises to test your solution in their environment without committing fully. It's a sign of confidence in your product and reduces the risk for the enterprise.
  5. Tailor Your Communication to Highlight Predictability: When pitching to enterprises, emphasize the predictable outcomes of your solution. This can include aspects like scalability, ease of integration with existing systems, user-friendliness, and ongoing support. Make sure they understand that while your solution is innovative, it won’t disrupt their operations unpredictably.
  6. Provide Comprehensive Support and Training: Enterprises will be more inclined to adopt your solution if they know they will receive ample support. Offering thorough training for their staff and reliable customer service can go a long way in assuring them of the predictability and stability of your solution.
  7. Use Testimonials and Endorsements: Having other reputable businesses vouch for your product or service can significantly enhance your credibility. Testimonials, endorsements, and references from satisfied customers can be powerful in convincing enterprises of the reliability and predictability of your solution.
  8. Showcase Flexibility and Adaptability: While offering a predictable solution, also demonstrate how it can adapt to changing needs or environments, which is a form of predictability in itself. This shows that your solution is not only reliable in its current state but will continue to be reliable as conditions change.
  9. Leverage Industry Standards and Compliance: If your solution adheres to industry standards or has relevant certifications, highlight this. Compliance with industry norms and standards is often equated with reliability and predictability.
  10. Communicate Long-Term Benefits: Finally, articulate the long-term benefits of your solution. Enterprises are often focused on long-term strategies, so showing how your solution will provide value consistently over time can align well with their objectives.

By combining innovation with demonstrable predictability, your startup can appeal to the risk-averse nature of large enterprises while still offering them the cutting-edge solutions they need to stay competitive.

Pricing in Enterprise Sales Management

Enterprise sales is infamous for treating enterprise pricing with secrecy. However startups are bending the rules by bravely splashing their enterprise pricing across their website pricing pages!

This emerging trend  marks a significant shift in how companies approach transparency and customer relations in the enterprise market. Traditionally, enterprise pricing has been shrouded in secrecy, with many firms opting not to disclose prices publicly. This practice has been rooted in several strategic considerations, which, as you've rightly pointed out, include internal flexibility for sales negotiations and managing the perception of value. Let's delve deeper into the implications of this shift and why it's a welcome change for the industry.

Breaking Tradition: The Move Towards Transparency

The decision by some companies to display enterprise pricing directly on their websites is revolutionary in a sector where opacity has been the norm. This shift can be attributed to a few key factors:

- Increased Demand for Transparency: Today's buyers are more informed and expect greater transparency. Easy access to information online has led to a cultural shift where openness is valued over guarded secrets.
- Streamlining the Sales Process: By openly sharing pricing information, companies can streamline their sales process, making it more efficient. This transparency can filter out prospects who might not be a good fit based on budget considerations, allowing sales teams to focus on more qualified leads.
- Building Trust: Transparency in pricing helps in building trust with potential customers. It demonstrates confidence in the product's value and a commitment to straightforward business practices.

Strategic Flexibility vs. Transparency

The traditional reasons for withholding pricing information — such as maintaining strategic flexibility and crafting a narrative around value — are being reconsidered. While these reasons hold merit, especially in negotiations and in setting expectations about value, they also pose challenges:

- Barrier to Entry for Potential Buyers: When pricing is not readily available, it can deter potential buyers who prefer to understand cost implications early in their decision-making process.
- Perceived Lack of Transparency: In an era where trust is paramount, not disclosing prices can be seen as a lack of transparency, potentially pushing prospects towards competitors who are more open about their pricing.

The Future of Enterprise Pricing

The move towards transparency in enterprise pricing is indicative of broader trends in customer expectations and digital transformation. As businesses continue to evolve, the way they communicate value and engage with potential customers will also change. Companies that embrace transparency not only in pricing but in their operations, product development, and customer service are likely to forge stronger relationships with their clients.

Embracing Change

For businesses, especially in B2B sectors like branding, communication design, web development, and motion graphics, embracing this trend towards transparency can be beneficial. It aligns with a broader movement towards ethical business practices, building customer trust, and enhancing the buyer's journey. By being upfront about pricing, companies can set clear expectations, reduce the sales cycle, and establish a foundation of trust that fosters long-term relationships with their clients.

In conclusion, the willingness of some companies to display their enterprise pricing openly is a bold move that challenges traditional business norms. It reflects a deeper understanding of modern buyer behavior and an alignment with values of transparency and trust. This trend not only benefits customers but also represents an opportunity for businesses to differentiate themselves in a competitive market. As this practice gains momentum, it will be interesting to see how it reshapes the landscape of B2B sales and marketing strategies.

At the seed stage, it is best to focus on ONE bucket and ONE go-to-market

The distinction is sales approaches to SMB (Small and Medium-sized Businesses), mid-market, and enterprise segments is crucial for B2B startups, especially at the seed stage. Understanding the relationship between the user and the buyer within these segments is foundational for crafting an effective go-to-market (GTM) strategy. Each segment's unique dynamics dictate a different approach to product development, marketing, sales, and customer support. Let's delve into why focusing on one bucket and one go-to-market strategy is not just advisable but essential for seed-stage startups.

SMB: User and Buyer Are the Same Person

In the SMB segment, the decision-making process is typically straightforward because the user of your product or service is often also the buyer. This has several implications:

- Simpler Sales Process: With a shorter sales cycle, your GTM strategy can be more direct, focusing on how your solution addresses the user-buyer's pain points.
- Marketing Strategy: Marketing efforts should emphasize direct benefits, usability, and quick value realization, as the user-buyer is looking for solutions that offer immediate impact with minimal complexity.
- Product Design: Products or services should be user-friendly and easy to implement, as SMBs may have limited resources for onboarding and training.

Mid-market: User and Buyer Are Often Adjacent Roles

The mid-market segment introduces complexity into the buying process, as the user and buyer roles start to diverge. However, they are still closely related, often within the same department or team.

- Targeted Sales and Marketing Efforts: GTM strategies must account for the needs of both users and buyers, emphasizing not only the direct benefits but also ROI, scalability, and support.
- Understanding Stakeholders: It becomes important to identify and engage multiple stakeholders early in the sales process, tailoring messaging to address the varied concerns and priorities of each.

Enterprise: Significant Degree of Separation Between User and Buyer

In the enterprise segment, the distance between the user and the buyer is most pronounced, often involving multiple layers of decision-makers and influencers.

- Complex Sales Cycles: The sales process is longer and more complex, requiring a strategic approach that can navigate the enterprise's procurement and decision-making structures.
- Customized Solutions and Scalability: Enterprises often require tailored solutions that can scale across large, diverse teams or departments.
- Stakeholder Engagement: A multi-threaded GTM strategy is necessary, one that engages a wide range of stakeholders across different levels and functions within the organization.

Focus is Key at the Seed Stage

For seed-stage B2B startups, the choice of which market segment to target is more than a strategic decision—it's a matter of survival and efficient use of limited resources. Spreading efforts too thin across multiple segments can dilute the impact of your GTM strategy, leading to slower growth and increased burn rate. Focusing on one bucket allows you to:

- Deeply Understand Your Target Audience: This focus enables you to develop a nuanced understanding of your chosen segment's specific needs, decision-making processes, and pain points.
- Refine Your Product: It allows for more targeted feedback loops with your users, ensuring your product or service evolves in a way that is deeply aligned with their needs.
- Efficiently Allocate Resources: By concentrating on a single GTM strategy, you can more effectively allocate your limited resources, be it time, money, or personnel, to maximize impact and ROI.

In conclusion, while it may be tempting for seed-stage B2B startups to cast a wide net in hopes of capturing more business, the key to effective growth and market penetration lies in specialization and focus. Choosing to concentrate on one market segment and developing a GTM strategy tailored to the unique dynamics of that segment can significantly enhance your startup's chances of success.

Why enterprise sales, the approach is significantly different from traditional sales?

In the realm of enterprise sales, the approach is significantly different from traditional sales strategies that might work in B2C or smaller-scale B2B scenarios. When engaging with enterprise clients, the sales process morphs into a more consultative and tailor-made endeavor. This shift acknowledges the complex, varied, and highly specific needs of large organizations. For startups aiming to penetrate the enterprise market, this requires a nuanced understanding of the enterprise sales dynamics and an alignment of their sales strategies accordingly. Below, we delve into key aspects that startups should be prepared for, highlighting the reasons behind the substantial investment enterprises are willing to make.

Team Effort in Sales Closure

Enterprise sales is a collective effort involving multiple stakeholders from both the selling and the buying sides. Given the scale and the stakes involved, decisions are seldom made by a single individual. Sales teams must be ready to engage with various departments, from IT to finance and end-users, ensuring all their concerns and requirements are addressed. This collaborative approach not only aids in tailoring the pitch to the specific needs of the enterprise but also in building a rapport with the multiple influencers and decision-makers involved.

Creation of Customized Sales Materials

Tailoring the pitch involves the creation of customized sales materials, such as slides and decks, that speak directly to the enterprise's internal use cases and pain points. These materials need to go beyond generic value propositions, showcasing a deep understanding of the enterprise's industry, challenges, and goals. It's about demonstrating how your solution fits into their specific context, which can significantly increase your chances of success.

Detailed Planning and Management

The complexity of enterprise deals requires detailed project plans, often visualized through Gantt charts, to map out the implementation timeline and milestones. Startups need to be adept at project management, ensuring a clear and realistic plan is in place. This level of detail helps in setting the right expectations and fosters trust between the enterprise client and the provider.

Navigating the Buying Process

The buying process in large organizations is intricate, involving multiple approval layers and procurement protocols. Startups must be prepared to navigate these complexities, often taking on the role of project managers for the buying process itself. This means maintaining open lines of communication, proactively addressing potential bottlenecks, and ensuring all required documentation and compliance checks are handled efficiently.

Onboarding and Customization

Post-sale support, especially onboarding and handling custom requests, is crucial in enterprise sales. The goal is to ensure a smooth transition and integration of your solution into the enterprise's existing systems and workflows. This phase often requires heavy hand-holding, with startups needing to be responsive and flexible to the client's needs. It's not just about making the sale but ensuring the success of the solution's deployment and adoption.

Pricing Consideration

Given the extensive upfront work and ongoing support required, it is vital for startups to factor these costs into their pricing. Enterprises are aware of the significant effort, time, and resources required to engage, implement, and integrate new solutions. They are willing to pay a premium for products and services that can deliver value and meet their complex needs. However, this doesn't mean pricing yourself out of the market; rather, it's about justifying your price with the value and bespoke service you provide.

For startups venturing into the enterprise sales arena, understanding and preparing for these aspects is critical. The consultative, custom-tailored approach reflects a deep commitment to meeting the unique needs of each enterprise client. By embedding these considerations into your sales strategy and pricing model, you position your startup not just as a vendor but as a valued partner in the enterprise's success. This alignment with the enterprise's objectives and the comprehensive support provided throughout the sales and implementation process are what justify the investment from the enterprise's perspective, paving the way for a successful and mutually beneficial relationship.

Selling to enterprise customers as a startup presents unique challenges that can significantly impact the product development cycle and overall business strategy.

Here’s an in-depth look at the challenges you mentioned:

 1. Slow Product Feedback Cycle

When targeting large enterprises, the sales cycle can indeed be lengthy, often extending over several months or even years. This drawn-out process means that receiving timely, actionable feedback from users can be infrequent and delayed. Such a slow feedback loop poses significant challenges:

- Innovation Stagnation: The inability to quickly iterate based on user input can lead to a product that evolves much slower than those of competitors focusing on more agile markets. This can hinder a startup's ability to innovate and adapt to changing market demands.

- Resource Allocation: Without frequent feedback, it's difficult to allocate resources effectively. Startups may end up investing in features or services that aren't aligned with the core needs or wants of their users.

 2. Risk of False Positive Product-Market Fit (PMF)

Securing a few high-value enterprise contracts can create an illusion of strong product-market fit, especially if these deals significantly boost annual recurring revenue (ARR). However, this can be misleading:

- Market Dependency: Relying on a small number of large customers can make your business highly susceptible to their demands and business health. This can skew your product direction towards these few stakeholders rather than the broader market needs.

- Scalability Concerns: A startup might achieve $1M ARR with just a handful of customers, but this doesn't necessarily prove the product's appeal to a broader audience. Scaling the product might become challenging if the needs of these few aren't indicative of larger market trends.

 3. Difficulty in Prioritizing Features

In enterprise sales, products often become feature-rich to meet the diverse needs of large organizations. This variety can lead to challenges in identifying and prioritizing product features:

- Feature Sprawl: As different customers may use different sets of features, it becomes challenging to identify which features are merely 'nice-to-have' and which are essential for the majority of your users.

- Strategic Focus: Without clear insights into which features are driving value and satisfaction among users, product teams may struggle to make informed decisions about where to invest in development.

Strategic Approaches to Mitigate These Challenges

To address these challenges effectively, startups can adopt several strategic approaches:

- Pilot Programs and Beta Testing: Engage with a diverse set of customers through pilot programs that allow for quicker, more structured feedback loops.

- Customer Development Interviews: Regularly conduct in-depth interviews with current and potential customers to understand their needs and the effectiveness of different product features.

- Segmented Market Approach: Instead of trying to build a one-size-fits-all solution, focus on a niche within the enterprise market to better address specific pain points and establish a more tangible product-market fit.

- Leverage Analytics and User Data: Implement comprehensive analytics to track how different features are used by various segments of your customer base. This data can guide product development priorities and resource allocation.

By understanding and navigating these challenges, startups can better position themselves to build products that not only meet the complex needs of enterprise customers but also scale effectively in the broader market.

Written on:
January 10, 2024
Reviewed by:
Prenitha Xavier

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Prenitha Xavier

B2b Content Writer

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