
Mistakes to avoid in Go-To-Market Strategy

5 Top mistakes Founders make in their Go-To-Market Strategy. Failing to define a target market. Not investing in research. Relying too heavily on one channel. Not using data to inform decisions. Not testing and learning.

Last updated
July 12, 2024

5 Top mistakes Founders make in their Go-To-Market Strategy

  • Failing to define a target market.
  • Not investing in research.
  • Relying too heavily on one channel.
  • Not using data to inform decisions.
  • Not testing and learning.

Common pitfalls in marketing strategy among founders highlights a fundamental issue in many startups and businesses: the failure to address the root causes of marketing problems. Let's delve into the proposed four-layered approach to rectify these issues:

1. Surface-level Problems

At this level, issues are often tactical rather than strategic. They include ineffective copywriting, suboptimal channel selection, and using tools that don't align with the business's goals. These problems, while not immediately threatening, can hinder progress and growth if not addressed. The solution involves experimenting with different tactics and measuring their effectiveness, keeping a backlog of changes to track what works and what doesn’t.

2. Structural Problems

Structural problems involve deeper aspects of the marketing strategy, such as inefficient systems, misaligned teams, unclear KPIs, or inadequate budget allocation. Solving these requires a comprehensive audit of the current marketing infrastructure and a strategic plan to overhaul it. This may involve restructuring teams, redefining KPIs, and reallocating budgets to better align with the company's goals.

3. Strategic Problems

Strategic problems are even more profound. They involve a misalignment between the business’s offerings and the market needs. Addressing this requires a deep dive into the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), refining the brand's positioning, and ensuring that the messaging resonates with the target audience. Each day these issues go unaddressed, the company accumulates "marketing debt," eroding its perceived value and market position.

4. Product Problems

The deepest level involves reevaluating the product or service itself. If the product fails to meet the market's needs or solve a significant problem for its users, no amount of marketing can compensate. This might require a pivot in the product strategy, focusing on a more specific use case, or redeveloping features to address a more painfully urgent, and recognized (PUR) problem.

Moving Forward:

For a founder who's ready to address these issues head-on, the first step is a thorough and honest assessment of their business against these four layers. It involves stepping back from day-to-day operations and looking at the business from a bird's-eye view, identifying gaps between the product/service and the market, and formulating a strategic plan to address these gaps. This process requires humility, a willingness to accept and learn from failures, and the courage to make significant changes if necessary.

In conclusion, tackling b2b marketing problems effectively requires a holistic approach that goes beyond superficial fixes. It demands a willingness to question and revise the fundamental aspects of the business, from product development to market positioning. By systematically addressing issues at each of these four levels, a business can develop a more robust, market-aligned, and sustainable growth strategy.

Super-common messaging mistake, they want to "focus on the positive"

But leaning into the negative can actually be a GOOD thing.

This is a critical aspect of effective marketing, especially within the B2B sector. This approach, centered on acknowledging and addressing the negative realities faced by potential clients, can indeed serve as a powerful catalyst for engagement and conversion. Let's dissect this strategy further to understand its potential benefits and how it can be applied effectively.

Understanding the Psychology Behind the Approach

At its core, this strategy taps into a fundamental psychological principle: the desire to move away from pain towards pleasure. However, human behavior is often more strongly motivated by the avoidance of pain than by the pursuit of gain. This is known as loss aversion, a concept widely recognized in behavioral economics. By highlighting the challenges and pains that your product or service can alleviate, you're directly speaking to a powerful motivating force within your potential clients.

The Importance of Problem Acknowledgment

When businesses only focus on the positive outcomes of their solutions, they risk glossing over the very problems that drive their customers to seek solutions in the first place. This can lead to a disconnect, where the messaging feels out of touch with the daily challenges experienced by the target audience. By acknowledging these problems, marketers validate their audience's experiences, building trust and rapport. This connection is crucial in B2B relationships, where purchases are often significant, requiring careful consideration and trust in the vendor.

Crafting Effective Problem-Centric Messaging

  1. Identify and Understand the Pain Points: This starts with thorough market research, including customer interviews, surveys, and analysis of customer support data. Understanding the specific challenges your target audience faces allows you to craft messages that resonate deeply.
  2. Articulate the Pain Points Clearly: Use clear, concise language to describe the challenges your customers are facing. Avoid jargon and generic statements that could apply to any business. The goal is to mirror the internal dialogue of your target audience, making them feel understood.
  3. Bridge to Your Solution: Once the problem is clearly articulated, the transition to presenting your solution should feel natural and logical. Show how your product or service directly addresses the pain points you've highlighted. This not only demonstrates your understanding of their challenges but also positions your offering as the clear answer.
  4. Use Social Proof and Case Studies: Real-world examples of how your product or service has effectively solved similar problems for other clients can be incredibly persuasive. They not only serve as proof of your claims but also help potential clients visualize the impact of your solution on their own businesses.
  5. Balance the Negative with the Positive: While leaning into the negative is effective, it's also important to balance this with positive messaging. After highlighting the pain points, focus on the relief and benefits your solution provides. This creates a compelling narrative arc from problem to solution, ending on a positive note that motivates action.

People aren't buying your SaaS product because they like it.

They buy it because they desperately need to solve a problem that's a huge headache for them:

-   Communication breakdowns
-   Inefficient processes
-   Missed deadlines
-   Lost revenue

When you focus on the dream state, you ignore what your customers are going through.

You skip straight to the solution without making them feel the problem.

And that means they’re less likely to take action.

So don't shy away from your buyers' pains.

Lean into them.

After all – they're the reason your customers need you.

By embracing the negative aspects that your potential clients face and addressing them head-on in your messaging, you can create a more compelling and resonant narrative. This approach not only differentiates your messaging from competitors who may shy away from such realities but also fosters a deeper connection with your audience by demonstrating empathy and understanding. It's a strategic acknowledgment that before one can fully appreciate the value of a solution, they must first feel the weight of the problem it solves.

Why narrow product positioning is not a great idea always?

Let us discuss about the potential pitfalls of overly narrow positioning in the technology and software industry.

Positioning around a use case is a great way to get traction, but a very hard way to sustain long-term success. Think it through.

People like a product and buy it. Growth happens.

The company gets big. It’s less nimble and more bureaucratic.

It goes upmarket, still relying on its core use case to drive deals. Then, the cracks show.

The technology is no longer novel, competitors enter the market, differentiation erodes, price competition heats up.

Understanding the Core Issue

The narrative I have outlined exemplifies a classic strategic dilemma faced by many technology companies: balancing the benefits of a focused, use-case-specific positioning with the risks of becoming too narrowly defined. This "innovator's dilemma's cute little cousin," as I describe it, captures the essence of a company's struggle to evolve beyond its initial success.

The Risks of Narrow Positioning

  1. Market Saturation: As a product becomes successful and widely adopted, its core market may become saturated. The initial rapid growth becomes more challenging to sustain as the number of new customers available diminishes.
  2. Competitive Pressure: Success attracts competition. New entrants, often with fresh perspectives and technologies, can quickly erode the differentiation that the original product enjoyed, leading to increased price competition and margin erosion.
  3. Technological and Market Evolution: The pace of technological change means that today's innovative solution can quickly become tomorrow's standard offering. Similarly, market needs evolve, and a product tightly bound to a specific use case may struggle to adapt.

Strategies for Sustainable Growth

  1. Expand Use Cases: Companies must explore adjacent use cases or broaden their value proposition to address a wider range of customer needs. This requires deep customer insight and the agility to develop and pivot to new offerings.
  2. Build a Platform: Instead of being a one-trick pony, companies can evolve their product into a platform. This approach allows third parties to build upon the core technology, creating an ecosystem of solutions that can address a far broader range of use cases.
  3. Innovate Continuously: Sustaining a culture of innovation is crucial. It enables a company to stay ahead of market trends and technological advancements, ensuring that its offerings remain relevant and competitive.
  4. Leverage Brand Equity: While a well-known brand associated with a specific use case can be a limitation, it's also an asset. Companies can leverage their brand equity to introduce new products or services, using the trust and recognition they've built to enter new markets.
  5. Embrace Strategic Partnerships: Forming strategic partnerships with other companies can provide a way to offer a more comprehensive suite of solutions without having to develop everything in-house.

The fact that a significant portion of websites fails to communicate their core offering and value proposition succinctly within the first few interactions highlights a crucial gap in many B2B marketing strategies.

10 views in B2B marketing that require reevaluation for businesses to thrive in a modern context

In the rapidly evolving B2B marketing landscape, clinging to outdated views can hinder growth and innovation. As markets become more sophisticated and buyer behaviors shift, it's crucial to reassess and update our approaches. Here are ten views in B2B marketing that require reevaluation for businesses to thrive in a modern context:

1. Everything Can/Should Be Measured

While metrics and analytics play a critical role in understanding marketing effectiveness, not every valuable aspect of marketing can be quantified. Brand awareness, customer satisfaction, and long-term relationships contribute significantly to business success but are not always directly measurable. Recognizing the value of qualitative outcomes alongside quantitative metrics is vital.

2. Volume of Leads = Hitting Revenue Targets

The equation that more leads directly translate to more revenue is oversimplified. Quality over quantity matters significantly in B2B marketing. A smaller number of high-quality, targeted leads is often more valuable than a large volume of unqualified leads, as they are more likely to convert into paying customers.

3. If It Can't Be Measured, It's Not Worth Doing

This view undervalues the impact of brand-building and relationship-driven initiatives that are critical for long-term success. Activities such as networking, thought leadership, and brand experiences play a substantial role in establishing trust and preference among potential clients, even if their immediate impact isn't easily measured.

4. We Need to Pump Out a Bunch of TOFU Content

Top-of-the-Funnel (TOFU) content is designed to attract a broad audience, but focusing solely on quantity without considering quality or relevance can dilute your brand's message and waste resources. Effective content strategy balances TOFU with MOFU (Middle-of-the-Funnel) and BOFU (Bottom-of-the-Funnel) content, addressing different stages of the buyer's journey.

5. We Need to Optimize for Volume of Conversions

Optimizing for sheer conversion volume without considering the quality or readiness of those conversions can lead to inefficiencies and misaligned sales efforts. Focusing on attracting the right prospects at the right time ensures that marketing and sales are aligned and resources are allocated efficiently.

6. We Should Do What Our Competitors Are Doing

While it's important to be aware of competitors' strategies, imitation without context can lead to strategic missteps. Unique value propositions and understanding your audience's specific needs are what differentiate successful B2B marketing strategies.

7. A Playbook Didn't Work Before So It Won't Now

Dismissing strategies or tactics because they didn't work in the past overlooks the dynamic nature of markets and audiences. What didn't work before might succeed under different circumstances or with a refined approach.

8. Any Ad or Program Will Make Them Buy Faster

Expecting immediate results from any advertising or marketing program is unrealistic. B2B sales cycles are typically long and complex, involving multiple stakeholders. Building awareness, trust, and consideration takes time and consistent effort.

9. We Need to Only Promote Benefits/Outcomes

While highlighting benefits and outcomes is essential, providing transparency about how your solutions work, including potential challenges and how they are addressed, can build credibility and trust. B2B buyers value understanding both the positive outcomes and the realistic expectations of implementing a solution.

10. Reporting on Failures Is a Bad Thing

Reporting on failures is crucial for organizational learning and growth. Understanding what didn't work and why can guide future strategies and prevent repeated mistakes. A culture that values transparency and learning from failure is better positioned for innovation and long-term success.

Letting go of these views in B2B marketing requires a shift towards more nuanced, strategic thinking that values quality, adaptability, and long-term relationships over short-term metrics and mimicry. This approach not only aligns more closely with the complex realities of B2B markets but also fosters sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

Building a strong brand is crucial for any business, but there are common pitfalls that can significantly dilute the impact of brand investments.

The two scenarios you've highlighted illustrate key missteps that businesses often make in their branding and marketing efforts:

 1. Building Brand Associations Without Product Associations


Creating a visually distinctive or quirky brand image—like the example of "the pink elephant people"—can indeed capture initial attention. However, if this imagery isn’t clearly tied to a tangible product or service, the brand's message may become ambiguous or forgettable. 


- Lack of Clarity: Potential customers might recall the imagery but remain unclear about what the company actually offers. This disconnection can hinder the conversion of brand recognition into customer engagement and sales.

- Surface-level Recognition: While the brand might achieve superficial recognition, the lack of association with a specific product or value proposition means that this recognition does not effectively support business objectives.


To avoid this, ensure that brand elements and marketing campaigns are consistently linked to the core products or services. This could be through messaging that clearly explains what the company does, how it benefits customers, or why it’s different—thus building a brand that is both memorable and meaningful.

 2. Making Big, Loud Marketing Investments Without Memorable Elements


Investing heavily in marketing campaigns that fail to include clear branding elements, such as logos or company names, can lead to missed opportunities for building lasting brand awareness.


- Missed Branding Opportunities: As in the example of the Intercom billboard, even if a marketing stunt becomes a topic of conversation, the lack of clear brand identifiers can prevent the company from reaping the full benefits of that buzz.

- Non-compounding Awareness: Each marketing effort should ideally contribute to a cumulative build-up of brand recognition. Without clear identification, each campaign starts from scratch in terms of audience recall and recognition.


Marketing efforts should always include distinctive brand elements that are easily recognizable, even in passing. This strategy ensures that each marketing interaction contributes to a broader awareness of the brand, enhancing recall and reinforcing the company's identity in the market.

Integrating Brand and Product Marketing

The key takeaway from both scenarios is the importance of integrating brand identity with product marketing. A balanced approach ensures that every marketing dollar spent not only captures attention but also cements the brand’s market position and clarifies its value proposition. This integrated strategy not only avoids the dilution of brand investments but also maximizes their impact, driving both recognition and conversion.

By ensuring that every element of your marketing and branding strategy is coherent and interconnected, you can build a strong, memorable brand that effectively supports your business goals.

The Disconnect Between Companies and People

In recent years, many companies seem increasingly disconnected from the real needs and experiences of people. This issue is particularly prevalent in the tech industry, where decisions often appear driven more by internal metrics and competitive pressures than by a genuine understanding of customers.

Key Issues

1. **Inward Focus**: Companies are overly focused on internal metrics, industry trends, and competitor actions.
2. **Product Design**: Innovations often prioritize technological advances over user-friendly design, as seen with car companies removing physical buttons in favor of all-digital interfaces.
3. **Marketing Strategies**: Campaigns are frequently driven by data dashboards rather than real-world customer interactions and insights.
4. **Misaligned Offerings**: From tech giants to fashion brands, there's a noticeable gap between what companies offer and what consumers actually want or need.


- **Tech Companies**: Firms like Google seem increasingly out of touch with their user base, prioritizing complex data over straightforward user experiences.
- **Car Manufacturers**: The shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) and removal of traditional controls has alienated some customers.
- **Fashion and Retail**: Many brands are losing their market grip due to strategic decisions that don't resonate with their audience.


To bridge this gap, companies need to step out of their data-driven bubbles and re-engage with real people. This involves:

1. **Direct Customer Engagement**: Regularly interacting with customers to understand their needs and preferences.
2. **Observation and Feedback**: Actively observing how people use products and responding to their feedback.
3. **Balanced Decision-Making**: Combining data insights with human intuition and empathy to make more grounded and customer-centric decisions.

By re-focusing on the human element, companies can create more meaningful and effective products and strategies that truly resonate with their customers.

Should you focus on vision or competition?

Competition keeps many founders and CEOs awake at night, but it’s crucial to shift focus inward rather than on rivals. Drawing from the iconic moment when Chad le Clos glanced at Michael Phelps, only to lose focus and the race, companies can learn a valuable lesson:

Obsessing over competitors can lead to:
- Blurred vision and unclear purpose.
- Declining profit margins.
- Leadership blaming market conditions.
- Stalled innovation and loss of top talent.

The Path Forward

1. **Clarity of Vision**: Maintain a clear and compelling vision for your company.
2. **Core Activities**: Focus on what you do best and continually innovate.
3. **Ignore Rivals**: Prioritize your goals and direction over competitors.

By concentrating on your vision and core strengths, you can lead with innovation and resilience, leaving competitors in the periphery.

Final Thoughts

I would argue that Calendly’s and Zoom's success and well-known branding actually make it harder for them to expand to new use cases. Everyone knows them for one thing, only.

The stories of Calendly and Zoom highlight the importance of strategic foresight in product and brand positioning. While focusing on a specific use case can be a powerful strategy for gaining market entry and initial growth, long-term success requires the ability

Written on:
January 18, 2024
Reviewed by:
Prenitha Xavier

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Prenitha Xavier

B2b Content Writer

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