
Brand Positioning in B2B Marketing

Last updated
August 18, 2024

In the realm of B2B marketing, one critical element often flies under the radar: brand positioning. Despite its significance, many businesses overlook its potential, leading to ineffective marketing strategies and subpar financial performance. Proper brand positioning not only distinguishes a business from its competitors but also ensures that customers perceive its products or services as uniquely valuable. This article delves into the importance of brand positioning, provides practical strategies for effective implementation, and highlights the transformative impact it can have on a business.

What is Brand Positioning in b2b?

Brand positioning is the process of placing your brand in the mind of your target customer. It involves differentiating your brand from competitors by clearly communicating its unique value proposition. The goal is to make your brand synonymous with specific qualities or benefits that your target audience values.

A well-defined brand positioning strategy answers crucial questions:

1. Who is your target customer?

2. What alternatives do they have?

3. What makes your product or service different and better than these alternatives?

The Consequences of Poor Brand Positioning

When product positioning is weak or undefined, businesses often suffer from commoditization. This means their products or services are seen as interchangeable with others, leading customers to make decisions based solely on price. This scenario is particularly common among service firms that attempt to appeal to a broad audience without establishing a clear niche.

Poor positioning not only dilutes the brand's identity but also has serious financial implications. It often leads to a decrease in perceived value, resulting in lower pricing power and reduced profitability. Moreover, it can diminish brand loyalty, making it easier for competitors to lure customers away.

The Stages of Market Maturity

Understanding market maturity is essential for effective brand positioning. Markets typically evolve through three stages: immature, emerging, and mature. Each stage presents unique challenges and opportunities for positioning your brand. Product positioning evolves with market maturity through three key stages: immature, emerging, and mature. Initially, educate potential customers about the activity your product supports, like Miro promoting remote collaboration.

 1. Immature Market

In an immature market, the target customers are not yet engaged with the product or service. For example, in 2005, remote work was not common, and promoting a tool like Miro for remote collaboration was challenging. There was no frame of reference, and customers were not considering remote collaboration.


- Educate the Market: Convince potential customers to consider the new activity by addressing an unmet desired outcome, such as enhancing team productivity and collaboration.

- Highlight Alternatives: Compare the new activity with traditional methods to showcase its superiority.


- Unmet Desired Outcome: Enhance team productivity and collaboration.

- Activity to Consider: Remote collaboration.

- Alternative Activities: Traditional in-office collaboration methods.

- Differentiation: How remote collaboration (and your product) is better than traditional methods.

 2. Emerging Market

In an emerging market, people are starting to engage in the new activity but lack effective tools. For example, once remote collaboration gained traction, there was a need for tools that could facilitate it more effectively.


- Position as the Best Tool: Emphasize your product's superiority over other tools used for the same activity.


- Activity: Remote collaboration.

- Category of Tool: Visual collaboration platform (e.g., Miro).

- Alternative Categories: Video conferencing, email, basic document sharing.

- Differentiation: How your product is better than other tools for remote collaboration.

 3. Mature Market

In a mature market, customers understand the activity and the tools available. The challenge is to differentiate your product from similar offerings.


- Highlight Unique Features and Benefits: Clearly articulate what makes your product superior to other similar products.


- Category of Tool: Visual collaboration platform.

- Your Product: Miro.

- Alternative Products: Other visual collaboration platforms.

- Differentiation: How Miro is better than other visual collaboration platforms.

Crafting a Compelling Brand Positioning Strategy

Developing a strong brand positioning strategy involves several key steps. Here’s a detailed approach to ensure your brand stands out in the market.

1. Identify Your Ideal Client Profile (ICP)

Start by defining who your ideal clients are. This is not just about who buys from you currently, but who would benefit the most from your products or services. 


- Analyze Financial Data: Look at the profitability of different customer segments. Identify which clients are the most profitable and why.

- Assess Operational Success: Evaluate which clients you deliver the best results for with the least friction.

- Understand Values and Drivers: Ensure alignment between your brand’s values and the clients’ needs and goals.

Questions to Ask:

- Who would we clone times a thousand as a customer?

- Who do we feel would be the absolute best customer for us?

- Who have we loved working with?

2. Understand Their Pain Points

Deeply understand the problems and challenges your ideal clients face. This helps you tailor your messaging to resonate with their needs.


- Conduct Interviews: Speak directly with clients to gather insights into their pain points.

- Analyze Competitors: Understand what solutions your clients are currently using and their shortcomings.


For a financial software company targeting a financial controller in a large manufacturing business:

- Pain Points: Too much time spent chasing payments on invoices, operational duties diverting time from proactive planning.

- Needs: A cost-effective solution and streamlined processes to reduce accounts payable and improve efficiency.

3. Articulate Your Differentiation

Clearly communicate what makes your product or service different and better than the alternatives. This should be based on the unique capabilities and features of your product.


- List Features and Capabilities: Identify the unique aspects of your product that address the identified pain points.

- Match Pain Points with Features: Create value propositions that show how your product solves major problems for your ideal clients.


For Miro in a mature market:

- Feature: Real-time collaboration.

- Benefit: Enhances team productivity by enabling seamless remote collaboration.

- Differentiation: Unlike basic document sharing tools, Miro provides an interactive, visual platform that simplifies complex projects.

Building a Strong Brand Narrative

Once you have a clear brand positioning statement, the next step is to build a brand narrative. This is the external expression of your brand positioning and serves as a communication boilerplate.

Components of a Brand Narrative:

- Introduction: Briefly introduce your brand and its unique value proposition.

- Pain Points: Highlight the key challenges your target customers face.

- Solution: Explain how your product or service addresses these pain points.

- Benefits: Articulate the tangible benefits and outcomes of using your product.

- Proof Points: Provide evidence, such as testimonials and case studies, to support your claims.

Example for Y3S Loans:

- Introduction: Y3S is the specialist finance broker that you can count on to completely take care of each and every case.

- Pain Points: Clients often face difficulties getting personal attention from lenders, making the application process painful and unreliable.

- Solution: Y3S’s people go out of their way to help intermediaries deliver the finance their customers need reliably, quickly, and with minimum fuss.

- Benefits: Clear answers within an hour, a unique and personal home delivery and completion service, and faster case completion and payments.

- Proof Points: Strong personal relationships with lending panels and a track record of successful loan approvals.

Integrating Brand Positioning into Your Marketing Strategy

Effective brand positioning should be the foundation of your marketing strategy. It should inform all aspects of your marketing efforts, from content creation to campaign execution.

Steps to Integration:

1. Define Messaging Hierarchy: Develop a clear hierarchy of messages tailored to different audience segments.

2. Create Content Themes: Use your brand narrative to craft content themes that resonate with your target audience.

3. Consistent Communication: Ensure all marketing materials and communications consistently reflect your brand positioning.

4. Regular Reassessment: Continuously revisit and refine your brand positioning based on market feedback and changes.

Brand positioning is not just a marketing tactic; it’s a strategic imperative that can transform your business. By understanding your ideal clients, addressing their pain points, and clearly differentiating your offerings, you can build a powerful brand that stands out in any market. Integrating this strategy into your overall marketing efforts ensures consistency, clarity, and a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience. As markets evolve, so too should your positioning, ensuring that your brand remains relevant, competitive, and uniquely valuable.

Sharpen your brand’s narrative with an anti-value proposition that clarifies who your product is not for, ensuring clarity, market differentiation, and internal alignment.

Powerful breakdown of how positioning serves as the bedrock of business strategy

This is a powerful breakdown of how positioning serves as the bedrock of business strategy, not just a surface-level marketing tactic. When companies view positioning as the atomic core of everything they do, they build a brand that’s more than just recognizable—it’s truly memorable and deeply connected to its audience.

Positioning as the DNA of Your Business

Most think of positioning as a catchy slogan or a tagline, but in reality, it’s much more foundational. Positioning is the lens through which every decision should be made. Whether it’s how you build products, hire talent, or shape culture, everything flows from the core position your brand holds.

Inside Out: Positioning as Business Strategy

Volvo is a classic example. They didn’t just decide one day to say “safety first.” Safety is woven into every fiber of how they operate. It influences the design of their vehicles, the engineers they bring on board, and even their company’s values. The impact of this strategy? Every touchpoint, from the design process to customer communication, aligns seamlessly under one core principle: safety.

This isn’t just a marketing decision; it’s a fundamental business strategy that drives internal operations.

Outside In: Positioning as Brand Strategy

While “inside-out” positioning focuses on how a business functions, the “outside-in” approach examines how customers perceive that positioning. Volvo’s consistent focus on safety results in a brand that customers see as reliable and family-oriented. When people think about safe cars, Volvo naturally comes to mind.

The beauty of this alignment is that customers don’t need to be told what the brand stands for—they simply know because every interaction reinforces that message.

Positioning Isn’t Just Marketing—It’s Strategy

Here’s where many brands miss the mark: they treat positioning like a one-off marketing exercise instead of the core strategic decision that it is. Effective positioning influences everything from product design to customer service and beyond. It’s about making intentional choices—knowing what you stand for and, just as importantly, what you don’t stand for.

How to Nail Your Positioning

To get it right, you need to answer some fundamental questions:

  1. What unique value do we offer? Identify what truly differentiates your business.
  2. What do we want to be known for? Be specific and clear about the impression you want to leave.
  3. How do we want our customers to feel? The emotions you evoke will shape their perception of your brand.
  4. What internal decisions will support this position? Make sure your internal processes, team culture, and decision-making align with your positioning.

Positioning as Your Atomic Core

When you treat positioning as the atomic core of your business, it aligns every internal operation with external perceptions. The result? A cohesive brand that not only resonates with its audience but also stands the test of time.

Strong positioning isn’t about trying to appeal to everyone; it’s about having the courage to stand firm in your uniqueness. And when you get it right, your brand doesn’t just survive—it thrives.

So, take a step back and evaluate: Is your positioning guiding every aspect of your business? If not, it’s time to refine that atomic core. When your positioning is clear, consistent, and true to who you are, it becomes the “strong force” that holds your entire brand together and propels you forward.

Written on:
July 2, 2024
Reviewed by:
Prenitha Xavier

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Prenitha Xavier

B2b Content Writer

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