
Why brand awareness & differentiation is important in b2b products?

Last updated
September 10, 2024

Brand awareness and differentiation play interdependent roles in the marketing strategy of any company, especially startups. Understanding the nuanced relationship between these two factors is crucial for effectively positioning a brand in a competitive market.

Brand Awareness and its Impact

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which consumers are familiar with the qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services. High brand awareness acts as a form of asset; when a brand is widely recognized, its visibility alone can drive consumer decisions, reducing the immediate need for differentiation in the consumer's mind. This is because familiarity breeds comfort and trust, making consumers more likely to choose a brand they recognize over one they do not, even if the lesser-known brand offers distinct advantages.

The Crucial Role of Differentiation for Startups

For startups and lesser-known brands, differentiation becomes crucial. Without the vast resources larger companies might have to boost brand awareness through extensive marketing campaigns, differentiation offers a more feasible path to gaining traction. This differentiation can be based on various factors:

- Product features: Unique functionalities or attributes that set the product apart.

- Customer experience: Superior customer service, user experience, or purchase process.

- Brand values: Ethical practices, sustainability, community involvement, etc., that resonate with target audiences.

- Pricing strategy: Offering more competitive pricing or a different pricing structure.

Strategic Considerations

When you are less known, emphasizing what makes you different is not just beneficial; it's necessary. This is particularly true in sectors with many alternatives where buyers actively seek out differences to inform their choices. As you mentioned, the average buyer considers multiple tools before making a decision. They look for clear reasons to choose one option over another, often making decisions based on a brand’s communicated unique value propositions.

Implementation in Sales and Marketing

The ability to articulate what makes your product or service different is crucial not only in direct sales interactions but should be a foundational element of your digital marketing strategy:

- Website: Clearly articulate your unique selling propositions (USPs) on your website. Use distinct messaging that explains why a customer should choose your product over the category leader.

- Content Marketing: Develop content that highlights case studies, testimonials, and detailed comparisons that underscore your differentiators.

- SEO and Online Presence: Optimize your online presence to capture interest from potential customers who are exploring their options. Target keywords that are relevant to your unique features and benefits.

While brand awareness certainly reduces the need for strong differentiation on a broad scale, for startups and growing businesses, distinguishing oneself from competitors is vital. Not only does it help in becoming known, but it also assists in converting evaluations into sales. Once a company establishes itself in the market and gains significant awareness, it can leverage this recognition to further solidify its position. However, maintaining some level of differentiation will always be beneficial as it guards against competitive threats and continues to justify customer choice in a crowded market.

Dynamics between brand strength and demand generation

The dynamics between brand strength and demand generation effectiveness are crucial for businesses seeking to maximize their market impact and sales conversions. Let's explore how the strength of a brand interacts with demand generation strategies and the potential outcomes of these interactions.

Understanding Brand Strength

Brand strength encompasses several factors, including brand recognition, reputation, customer loyalty, and the overall market presence. A strong brand communicates reliability and quality, establishing a sense of trust and familiarity among consumers. This trust significantly impacts consumer behavior, making it easier for the brand to retain customers and attract new ones through relatively standard marketing efforts.

The Role of Demand Generation

Demand generation refers to the targeted marketing efforts designed to drive awareness and interest in a company's products or services. These efforts often include a mix of content marketing, SEO, email marketing, social media campaigns, and more, aimed at guiding potential customers through the sales funnel.

Scenarios of Brand Strength and Demand Generation Interplay

1. Strong Brand, Average Demand Generation:

   - In this scenario, the inherent strength of the brand can compensate for average demand generation efforts. The existing customer base and market presence built through the brand's reputation can lead to continued sales success, even if the marketing efforts are not particularly innovative or aggressive.

   - Consumers are likely to respond to marketing from a well-known brand because they recognize and trust it. This trust reduces the burden on demand generation tactics to perform at extraordinary levels.

2. Weak Brand, Strong Demand Generation:

   - For brands that have not yet established strong market recognition or loyalty, even highly sophisticated and aggressive demand generation strategies may struggle to achieve their desired impact. This is because the lack of brand strength means there is little initial trust or recognition to build upon.

   - Potential customers may be initially attracted by compelling marketing but might hesitate to convert into sales without the reassurance that comes from a strong brand reputation. This can lead to lower conversion rates and a higher cost per acquisition.

Strategic Implications

For businesses, especially startups or those in competitive markets, the goal should be to develop both strong brand strength and effective demand generation strategies. Here are some strategic approaches to consider:

- Integrated Branding and Marketing: Ensure that demand generation efforts are not only about lead capture but also about brand building. Use every interaction to reinforce brand values and the unique selling propositions of your products or services.

- Leverage Customer Advocacy: Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences. Positive reviews and word-of-mouth referrals can enhance brand strength, compensating for weaker demand generation efforts.

- Continuous Improvement: Regularly assess and adjust demand generation strategies based on performance analytics and market feedback. Use data-driven insights to fine-tune both branding and marketing efforts.

The article, How to differentiate a B2B product or service? on Everything Design website discusses the importance of differentiating B2B tech brands by focusing on authenticity, leadership, and innovative marketing strategies. It emphasizes the need for clear, consistent messaging that aligns with core values and resonates with target audiences. The piece also highlights the benefits of market research over intent data, the importance of hypothesis-driven marketing, and how consistent brand presence builds trust and long-term customer relationships. The goal is to create a unique brand identity that stands out in a competitive landscape.

Breaking Away from Linear Outcome Thinking in B2B Marketing

In B2B marketing, brand awareness and demand generation are two distinct yet complementary strategies. However, many marketers mistakenly blend these efforts, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. Here’s why separating brand awareness from demand generation can be more effective.

The Linear Framework Issue

Traditionally, B2B marketing efforts follow a linear framework: moving audiences from a passive state to active engagement, ideally leading to a sales conversation. This approach is primarily goal-oriented, focusing on immediate actions such as lead generation and conversion.

The Nature of Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness is about gradually moving the audience from:

1. Not Knowing Us to

2. Knowing Us, then to

3. Trusting Us.

This journey focuses on retention and recall, aiming to keep the brand top-of-mind until the audience is ready to make a purchase. Unlike demand generation, brand awareness does not push for an immediate action but seeks to build a lasting relationship with the audience.

The Role of Demand Generation

Demand Generation is about converting awareness into action. It involves:

- Retargeting: Moving audiences from passive interest to active engagement.

- Demand Creation: Shifting audiences from knowing about your product to wanting it.

This strategy is more short-term, focusing on measurable actions and immediate results.

Why Separate the Two?

Combining brand awareness with demand generation can dilute the effectiveness of both:

- Demand Generation: Requires a direct path to action, often measured by immediate metrics such as lead generation and conversion rates.

- Brand Awareness: Needs a longer-term approach, focusing on maintaining visibility and trust over time.

Implementing Effective Brand Awareness

To build effective brand awareness:

1. Run Separate Campaigns: Ensure brand awareness efforts are distinct from demand generation. Focus on storytelling, consistent messaging, and emotional connection.

2. Measure Differently: Use metrics such as brand recall, brand sentiment, and audience engagement over time, rather than immediate conversion metrics.

3. Protect from Activation Pressure: Marketing leaders must shield brand awareness efforts from the pressure to deliver short-term results.

Effective B2B marketing requires a clear distinction between brand awareness and demand generation. By running these strategies separately, you can build a strong, recognizable brand while also driving immediate actions through targeted demand generation efforts. This balanced approach ensures long-term brand health and sustainable growth.

Not Every Marketing Campaign Needs a CTA.

B2B marketers must grasp the importance of a touchpoint that isn’t conversion-focused.

B2C marketers understand that every interaction helps nurture the relationship with their audience. No one expects a bus stop ad to push a gated PDF, right? 🤷🏼‍♂️

But in B2B, we can’t seem to resist asking for a click, form fill, or download with every message we send out. The truth is, demand isn’t created by lead-gen ads or gated content. It’s built over time by consistently delivering value across multiple touchpoints throughout the customer journey.

Here’s the reality: most of your audience isn’t ready to convert. Pushing for a CTA in every interaction ignores the way B2B buyers actually make decisions.

Instead, focus on:

▪️ Educating your audience, providing value, and building trust
▪️ Addressing their everyday challenges and pain points
▪️ Showing them the future of your industry
▪️ Measuring content engagement and consumption for key accounts—don’t just track conversions

Remember, create demand first, capture it later. When your prospects have the need and budget, they’ll come to you.


Ultimately, while a strong brand can allow for average demand generation to still yield success, and strong demand generation may not fully compensate for a weak brand, the best approach lies in balancing both. Investing in building a solid brand will enhance the effectiveness of your demand generation efforts, and vice versa, ensuring sustainable business growth and a competitive market position. Identifying a unique differentiator that your competitors cannot claim is crucial in establishing a strong and distinct brand identity.

Written on:
April 28, 2024
Reviewed by:
Prenitha Xavier

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Prenitha Xavier

B2b Content Writer

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