
How to design hero section for b2b saas website?

Last updated
July 13, 2024

Crafting the Perfect Hero Section for Your B2B SaaS Website

A staggering 74% of users exit after encountering the homepage hero section. This means that only one in four visitors go beyond this initial section. By leveraging the expertise of a B2B SaaS Website Agency, businesses can significantly increase their online visibility and brand recognition.

The Importance of the Hero Section on B2B SaaS Website

Crafting the perfect hero section for your B2B SaaS website is crucial—it can literally make or break your business.

You need to ensure you:

- Speak to the audience you've built the solution for

- Stand out from the competition with unique messaging

- Inform, engage, and drive action—all within a single fold of your website

As a copywriter, this task is challenging. However, three practices can make a significant difference:

Key Practices for Effective B2b Hero Section Designs

1. Understanding the Client's Market:

   - Champion: Who is the advocate or primary user within the target company?

   - Company Type: What kind of businesses are you targeting?

   - Use Case: How will these businesses use your product?

   - Limitation of Current Way: What limitations or inefficiencies exist in their current processes?

   - Problem (Blocker of Progress): What is the primary issue that your product resolves?

2. Understanding the Client's Product:

   - Product Category: What category does your product fall into?

   - Main Capability: What is the key functionality or strength of your product?

   - Product Features: What specific features does your product offer?

   - Main Benefit: What is the primary advantage your product provides to users?

3. Understanding Website Visitor Behavior:

   - Visitors read hierarchically, quickly scanning the page to find the most relevant information.

Structuring B2b Hero Section Design

Based on these practices, here's a hero section structure that can help you effectively educate, engage, and convert your audience:

- Pre-Headline: Introduce the product category and set the context for the audience.

- Headline: Highlight the main product capability or benefit that aligns with the audience's goals or desires.

- Sub-Headline: Combine audience pain points (which made them look out for a solution like yours), product features (which can solve those problems), and other benefits (which is the outcome of using the features).

- Primary CTA: A strong call-to-action that encourages immediate engagement and conversion.

- Secondary CTA: Provide an option for users who need more info before committing, accommodating different stages of the buyer’s journey.

- Visuals: Add static images or motion graphics to showcase what your product looks like.

- Client Logos: Social proof builds credibility and trust. Reassure prospects that people or companies like them use and trust the solution.

- Audience's Hesitations: Directly address common concerns to reduce friction in the decision-making process, like "No CC required."

Final Thoughts

Businesses looking to enhance their online presence and achieve greater success should consider partnering with a B2B SaaS Website Agency.

While this structure can help you get started, no template can capture the unique essence of your solution. To truly resonate with your audience, it’s essential to deeply understand your product and market. Focus on what matters most to your audience by addressing their specific pain points, showcasing the most impactful features, and highlighting the benefits that set your product apart.

Written on:
June 23, 2024
Reviewed by:
Prenitha Xavier

About Author

Prenitha Xavier

B2b Content Writer

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