
How to design an about us web page for a b2b brand?

Last updated
October 14, 2024

About Us Page Design of Equal

About Us Page - Gong


The Importance of the "About" Page in B2B Marketing

In the B2B marketing landscape, when buyers reach a high-intent stage, they scrutinize the experience and credibility of a vendor and its team. If this information is missing, you risk losing the deal. Despite some opinions suggesting that "About" pages are unnecessary, this viewpoint overlooks a critical aspect of buyer behavior and decision-making.

Key Points:

1. Customer Priorities:
  - While the core product benefit is paramount, customers also value the people behind the brand.
  - The "About" page provides an opportunity to connect with potential customers on a personal level.

2. Building Connections:
  - In crowded markets with budget-conscious buyers, establishing a connection is crucial for differentiation.
  - This is especially true for service-based firms such as marketing agencies, accounting firms, legal teams, real estate management, and recruitment agencies.

3. Supporting Data:
  - According to HubSpot's 2021 study of 285 b2b website users in the US, the "About" page was ranked as the second most important element on a business site, more critical than live chat, product images/videos, and even case studies.
  - Anecdotal evidence from a marketing agency showed a 52-62% increase in "About" page traffic for two of their clients, an automotive brand and a clothing retailer.

4. Personal Experience:
  - The "About" page often ranks as one of the top visited pages on websites, underscoring its importance in the buyer's journey.
  - Many professionals and their networks report similar experiences, indicating a broader trend.

Bottom Line:

"About" pages are essential, even for product-focused brands. They provide a platform to share your story and showcase your team, fostering a deeper connection with customers. This connection can be a significant factor in standing out in a competitive market and attracting the best-fit customers. In 2024, with increased competition and buyer scrutiny, leveraging the "About" page effectively can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

Framework for optimizing the "About Us" website paxge

The framework for optimizing the "About Us" page is a comprehensive approach that seeks to enhance trust, engagement, and conversion rates for B2B businesses. By focusing on transparency, storytelling, and social proof, businesses can create a compelling narrative that resonates with their Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs). Let's explore the significance and strategic execution of each element in this framework:

1. Start with Your Founder Story

The founder story is the heart of your brand's narrative. It sets the stage for a genuine connection with your audience by sharing the motivations, challenges, and triumphs behind the creation of your product or service. This narrative should:

- Be Authentic: Share real struggles and how your product addresses them.
- Show Relatability: Let prospects see their own challenges reflected in your story.
- Illustrate Evolution: Highlight how your product or service has evolved to meet user needs better.

2. Clearly State Your ICPs

Understanding and defining your Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) allows you to tailor your messaging to the specific needs, challenges, and aspirations of your target audience. This clarity helps in:

- Enhancing Relevance: Ensuring your product or service is presented as a solution to your audience's specific problems.
- Improving Engagement: Tailored messages resonate more deeply with potential customers.

3. Highlight Your Achievements

Achievements serve as tangible proof of your product's value and your company's expertise. This section should:

- Showcase Impact: Use metrics and testimonials to demonstrate how your product has helped other businesses.
- Build Credibility: Highlight awards, recognitions, or milestones to establish your brand's authority in your industry.

4. Connect Personally

brex about us web page - mission statement

Incorporating your mission statement and values into your founder story makes your brand more relatable and trustworthy. This connection is deepened by:

- Aligning Values: Prospects are more likely to engage with brands whose values align with their own.
- Creating a Cohesive Narrative: A story that connects personal experiences, product development, and company mission resonates more deeply.

5. Put Your Team Front and Center


Humanizing your brand by showcasing your team helps build trust. This can be achieved by:

- Featuring Team Profiles: Headshots, bios, and LinkedIn profiles make your team accessible and relatable.
- Sharing Behind-the-Scenes Content: Team photos and event highlights offer a glimpse into your company culture.

6. Feature Case Studies and Brand Mentions

Social proof, such as case studies and brand mentions, significantly influences B2B purchase decisions by:

- Demonstrating Success: Case studies provide a blueprint for potential success with your product.
- Leveraging Third-party Validation: Brand mentions and editorial contributions serve as endorsements of your credibility.

7. Highlight Hiring Opportunities

A section for career opportunities not only aids in talent acquisition but also showcases growth and dynamism, contributing to:

- Attracting Talent: Talented individuals are drawn to companies that are growing and have a clear vision.
- Demonstrating Openness: It signals that you're open to collaborations and new ideas.

8. End with a CTA

A clear Call to Action (CTA) guides visitors towards the next step in their journey with your brand, whether it's to:

- Engage Deeper: Sign up for a newsletter or a free trial.
- Start a Conversation: Schedule a demo or a consultation.

This framework emphasizes the importance of storytelling, personal connection, and social proof in building a compelling and trustworthy "About Us" page. By implementing these elements thoughtfully, B2B businesses can significantly enhance their website's ability to engage prospects and convert them into loyal customers.

How to crafting the perfect opening for your About us web page?

Crafting the perfect opening for your About page is a nuanced art, blending the essence of storytelling with strategic communication. It’s about striking the right chord with your audience from the very first sentence, ensuring that they are not only engaged but also connected with your brand's ethos on a deeper level. The key to achieving this lies in understanding not just what you want to say, but also how it resonates with your target audience—be it potential investors, future employees, or next business partners.

1. Leading with Your Story


Your story is the backbone of your brand. It's unique, personal, and unreplicable. Leading with your story can captivate readers by humanizing your brand and making it relatable. It invites your audience into a journey—your journey—highlighting the struggles, the milestones, and the vision that propelled you forward. This approach works exceptionally well if your brand story is closely tied to the problem you’re solving or if it illustrates a profound understanding of your target audience’s challenges.

2. Leading with Your Values

Values are the compass that guides your business. They reflect what you stand for and believe in. Presenting your values upfront can be a powerful way to connect with your audience on an emotional level. This approach resonates well with readers looking for brands that align with their own beliefs and principles. It sets a foundation of trust and shared ethos, which is particularly effective if your target market prioritizes ethical considerations in their business dealings.

3. Leading with Your Solution

In a world cluttered with problems, being a beacon of solutions can be your golden ticket. Starting with what you offer, especially if it addresses a pressing issue or fulfills a critical need, can immediately hook your audience. This approach is direct and to the point, appealing to readers who are actively seeking solutions. It works best when your solution is innovative, highly specialized, or superior to existing alternatives.

4. Leading with Your Mission


Your mission is your reason for being; it’s what drives every decision and action your company takes. Highlighting your mission from the get-go can be incredibly compelling, especially if it speaks to a larger purpose or contributes to societal or industry-wide change. This is particularly effective for companies operating in sectors where mission and impact are closely linked, such as sustainability, education, or healthcare.

5. Leading with Your Leadership

The strength and vision of your leadership team can be a significant draw, especially if your leaders are well-respected industry figures or have a compelling personal connection to the company’s mission. Leading with profiles of your leadership team can establish credibility and authority right off the bat. This approach is best suited for businesses where the expertise and experience of the leaders are a key differentiator or selling point.

Making Your Choice

The decision on how to lead your About page should be informed by your unique brand identity, the preferences of your target audience, and the specific context of your industry. Consider which aspect of your company is the most compelling and differentiating factor. Remember, the goal is not just to inform but to engage and inspire. Your opening should act as a beacon, drawing readers into a narrative that makes them want to learn more, connect with your brand, and ultimately, choose to do business with you.

In line with the wisdom borrowed from newspaper journalism, your "front page" story on the About page must indeed be the most compelling content you have for that moment. It should be something that captures the essence of your brand and addresses the core interests or concerns of your audience. Whether it's your story, values, solution, mission, or leadership, the chosen lead should be impactful, relevant, and deeply resonant with your readers.


List of About Us Web Pages





Additional Reading

  1. What Is an About Us Page?
  2. How to Write an About Us Page
  3. 30 About Us Page Examples (by Industry)
  4. Best About Us Page
Written on:
February 14, 2024
Reviewed by:
Mejo Kuriachan

About Author

Mejo Kuriachan

Co-Founder and Brand Strategist

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