
Short-term conversion metrics vs long-term brand building

Last updated
July 12, 2024

The critique you've outlined touches on a significant debate in the current landscape of advertising and marketing—namely, the tension between short-term conversion metrics and long-term brand building. Let's explore the complexities of this issue in detail.

Short-Termism in Marketing

The obsession with "closing the loop" in marketing reflects a broader trend towards short-termism, driven by the need for immediate results. This approach is often incentivized by the structure of corporate leadership tenures, particularly for CMOs whose average tenure might only span a few years. The pressure to demonstrate quick wins can lead to a focus primarily on tactics that can be directly and immediately linked to sales or conversions.

Impact on Brand Building

Traditional brand-building activities, like TV ads or broader advertising campaigns that focus on building brand affinity or awareness, don't necessarily yield immediate sales spikes but are crucial for long-term success. These strategies help establish brand trust and loyalty, which are not immediately quantifiable but are vital for sustained market presence and the ability to command premium pricing.

The Flaws of Last Touch Attribution

The concept of "last touch attribution," where the final touchpoint before a conversion gets all the credit, is overly simplistic. It ignores the cumulative impact of all marketing activities that helped move a consumer down the funnel. This approach doesn't account for the brand equity built over time that influences buying decisions, as you've noted with brands like Colgate.

Challenges with Multi-Touch Attribution

While multi-touch attribution models attempt to address these issues by assigning value to various touchpoints throughout the customer journey, they often fall short. These models can still struggle to accurately capture and attribute the complex interplay of influences that drive consumer behavior, leading to what you've described as "statistically impressive pseudoscience."

The Rise of Retail Media

Retail media networks are burgeoning because they promise advertisers precise measurement and attribution of sales to specific ads, particularly at the point of sale. This can make these platforms seem highly effective, as they provide clear, immediate evidence of impact—thus appearing to "close the loop." However, this can divert funds from broader advertising strategies that contribute to long-term brand health.

Consequences for Traditional Media

The shift towards retail media and other highly measurable platforms may lead to a reduction in investment in traditional media forms, which play a crucial role in maintaining brand visibility and engagement across a wider audience. This shift could undermine the broader, less quantifiable aspects of brand-building that are essential for long-term success.

Strategic Balance between short-term conversion metrics and long-term brand building

The challenge for marketers is to balance the need for actionable, short-term results with the strategic imperative of long-term brand building. This involves:

- Educating stakeholders about the importance of long-term metrics like brand health and equity, beyond immediate conversion rates.

- Integrating a mix of attribution models that consider both direct and indirect effects of advertising.

- Testing and learning from different approaches to understand the nuanced impact of various strategies over both short and long terms.

In conclusion, while the pressure to demonstrate immediate ROI is understandable, it's crucial for the health of brands to maintain a balanced approach that values both immediate conversions and long-term brand building. Marketers must advocate for strategies that allow for comprehensive, nuanced views of consumer behavior and brand impact, moving beyond the limitations of current attribution models to truly capture the complexity of marketing effectiveness.

Written on:
April 29, 2024
Reviewed by:
Prenitha Xavier

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Prenitha Xavier

B2b Content Writer

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