
Brand Design vs Product Design

Last updated
July 12, 2024

Stop Designing Brands Like Products

In today's competitive market, brands and products are inseparable. A product encapsulates the brand’s promise, while the brand reflects the product’s essence. Iconic examples include Airbnb, Figma, Spotify, and Miro. They showcase the synergy between brand and product, where each supports and enhances the other.

Brand Design and Product Design - The Two Sides of the Same Coin

Despite their close relationship, brand and product designers speak different languages:

- Brand Designers: Craft stories, evoke emotions, and build connections. They focus on broad concepts and feelings.

- Product Designers: Prioritize user experience, functionality, and practicality. Their focus is on specific functionalities and best practices.

When these roles overlap too much, it can lead to issues. A brand might become too technical and product-driven, losing its narrative strength. Conversely, a product might lack specificity and fail to prioritize the user experience, revealing the intrusion of a brand designer into product design.

The Risks of Role Blurring

1. Diluted Impact: Mixing brand and product design roles can dilute their effectiveness. Each discipline has unique strengths that can be compromised when combined.

2. Loss of Story: Brands can lose their narrative and emotional appeal if they become overly product-focused.

3. Poor User Experience: Products can suffer from a lack of focus on usability and functionality when brand-centric approaches dominate.

The Importance of Collaboration

While some designers can successfully cross over between brand and product design, it's crucial to recognize that these are distinct disciplines. Collaboration, rather than overlap, is key to achieving the best results.

Multidisciplinary Sprints

In our projects at Everything Design Agency, we employ multidisciplinary sprints where brand and product designers work together. This collaborative approach ensures that:

- Brand Designers: Focus on telling the story and building the emotional connection.

- Product Designers: Perfect the user experience and functionality.

This collaboration leverages the strengths of both disciplines, leading to harmonious and effective brand-product relationships.

Specialization and Celebration

To create stronger brands and better products, specialization is essential. Let brand designers excel in storytelling and emotional engagement. Allow product designers to focus on usability and practical design. By celebrating the unique contributions of each discipline, both sides can thrive.

In conclusion, stop designing brands like products. Instead, foster collaboration and specialization to achieve the best outcomes. By allowing each discipline to focus on its strengths, you can create brands that are both emotionally compelling and functionally excellent.

Written on:
July 2, 2024
Reviewed by:
Prenitha Xavier

About Author

Prenitha Xavier

B2b Content Writer

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