
How to integrate brand awareness with content marketing?

Last updated
September 9, 2024

To address the content gap in B2B SaaS marketing, focusing on creating a balanced strategy that integrates brand awareness with content marketing is crucial. Here are some key insights and strategies based on the book "Designing B2B Brands" by Carlos Martinez Onaindia and Brian Resnick:

Emphasize Brand Engagement

Brand engagement should be at the core of B2B marketing efforts. Engaged employees and clients can deliver and promote the brand authentically. For example, Deloitte's annual Deloitte Ride Across Britain event, which raises money for the British Paralympic Association, engages both employees and clients in a shared purpose, enhancing brand loyalty and recognition.

Holistic Brand Strategy

Develop a comprehensive brand strategy that aligns with business objectives. This includes defining brand objectives, identifying the target audience, and overcoming potential obstacles. A well-articulated brand strategy can lead to better brand equity and the ability to charge a premium for products and services

Consistent Brand Communication

Ensure that all brand communications are consistent and relevant across various touchpoints. This includes internal communications to align employees with the brand values and external communications to engage clients and prospects. Consistency helps in building a strong brand identity that resonates with the audience. A strong online presence and b2b website is essential for b2b businesses in the digital age. A B2B SaaS Website Agency specializes in creating and maintaining websites for businesses that provide software solutions to other businesses.

Content as Brand Management

Leverage content as a tool for brand management. High-quality content that provides thought leadership and innovative insights can position the brand as a leader in the industry. For instance, Deloitte's use of magazines and newspapers to deliver differentiated content has helped maintain a strong brand presence.

Measure Brand Impact

While traditional metrics may not fully capture the impact of brand marketing, it is essential to measure awareness, attraction, and advocacy. These metrics provide insights into how well the brand is resonating with its audience and can guide adjustments to the brand strategy.

Aligning Content with Brand Awareness

Ensure that content marketing efforts are aligned with brand awareness initiatives. This means creating content that not only attracts and educates potential buyers but also clearly communicates the brand's value proposition and differentiates it from competitors. The goal is to build familiarity and trust long before the actual purchase decision is made.

Use of Thought Leadership

B2B brands should produce content that showcases their expertise and thought leadership in their industry. This can include white papers, research reports, webinars, and podcasts. Such content should not just aim at lead generation but also at establishing the brand as a knowledgeable and reliable partner.

By integrating these strategies, B2B SaaS companies can effectively bridge the content gap and build stronger, more recognizable brands that resonate with their target audiences and foster long-term loyalty.

The gap in B2B SaaS content marketing lies in effectively communicating who we are and what we do without being overly aggressive in conversion efforts. The traditional method of funneling broad topic content into specific solution content often falls short of creating lasting brand awareness and meaningful buyer consideration. This is primarily due to the lack of integrated brand marketing within the content strategy. Here are key points to address this content gap and improve B2B SaaS marketing efforts:

Understanding the Gap

1. Content Marketing Journey: 

   - The typical journey involves broad, topic-related content leading to specific solution content and ultimately aiming for a conversion.

   - This approach often lacks a clear connection to the brand's unique value proposition, resulting in missed opportunities for brand awareness and recognition.

2. Trojan Horse Method:

   - Many B2B SaaS companies attempt to build brand awareness subtly through content marketing, hoping to convert interest into leads and sales.

   - This method frequently fails to achieve the desired outcomes because it lacks direct brand association and understanding.

3. Lack of Buyer Consideration:

   - Content marketing alone does not sufficiently drive buyer consideration if it does not clearly convey the brand's solutions and their relevance to the audience's problems.

   - Without a strong brand presence, content marketing efforts can feel disconnected and less impactful.

The Importance of Integrated Brand Marketing

1. Brand Awareness and Content Marketing:

   - Content marketing should be complemented with explicit brand marketing efforts to create a cohesive strategy.

   - Brand marketing helps establish who you are, what you do, and why it matters, laying the foundation for effective content marketing.

2. Communicating Solutions and Problems:

   - Effective marketing should focus on clearly articulating the problems your product solves, even to audiences not currently in the market to buy.

   - This approach helps build brand recognition and recall, positioning your company as a go-to solution when the need arises.

Strategies to Close the Content Gap

1. Developing Brand Awareness:

   - Invest in advertising and brand campaigns that highlight your company’s mission, values, and solutions.

   - Use various channels, including social media, webinars, podcasts, and industry events, to consistently communicate your brand message.

2. Creating Meaningful Recall:

   - Focus on storytelling that resonates with your target audience, showcasing real-world examples of how your product solves their problems.

   - Use customer testimonials, case studies, and success stories to build credibility and trust.

3. Blending Content and Brand Marketing:

   - Integrate brand messages into your content marketing strategy, ensuring that every piece of content reinforces who you are and what you do.

   - Develop content that not only educates but also subtly promotes your brand’s unique value proposition.

4. Building Long-Term Relationships:

   - Engage with your audience regularly through newsletters, thought leadership articles, and interactive content to keep your brand top-of-mind.

   - Focus on creating value-driven content that addresses both current and future needs of your audience.

5. Measuring Impact:

   - Use metrics to track brand awareness and engagement, such as brand recall surveys, direct traffic trends, and social media mentions.

   - Continuously refine your strategy based on feedback and performance data to ensure alignment with your audience’s needs and preferences.

The Misunderstood Concept of Brand Awareness in B2B SaaS

In the realm of B2B SaaS marketing, brand awareness is one of the most misunderstood concepts. Often perceived as a milestone to be achieved and then shelved, brand awareness is actually a spectrum that requires continuous and intentional refreshing to be truly effective.

The Spectrum of Brand Awareness

Brand awareness should not be viewed as a one-time achievement but rather as an ongoing effort. Leaders in the industry often claim to have strong brand awareness, treating it as a checked box, never to be revisited. This misconception is particularly prevalent among brands that have been in the market for a long time, where aided recall is indeed high. Aided recall refers to the ability of prospects to identify a brand when shown its logo. While this is a significant accomplishment, it is merely the initial stage of brand awareness.

From Aided to Unaided Recall

True brand awareness transcends aided recall. It becomes impactful when it transforms into unaided recall—when prospects think of your brand independently in connection to the problems you solve. This is the pinnacle of brand awareness because the brands that come to mind are the ones that get considered and, ultimately, purchased. 

However, achieving unaided recall is not a one-time task. It requires constant maintenance and refreshing. Even globally recognized brands continue to advertise regularly because buying decisions occur on timelines beyond their control. Staying top of mind increases the likelihood of being thought of when these buying moments arise.

Building and Refreshing Memory Structures

Maintaining brand awareness is not just about repeatedly showing your logo. It involves building memory structures that link your brand to the problems and specific moments that drive buyers to seek solutions. This connection must be consistently reinforced across all marketing efforts.

1. Content Marketing: Anchor your content around the problems and moments that resonate with your target audience. Create valuable and relevant content that addresses their pain points and aligns with their journey.

2. Advertising: Develop advertising campaigns that visually and emotionally reinforce these critical moments. Use storytelling and memorable visuals to create a lasting impact.

3. Community Presence: Maintain an active presence in your industry community. Engage with your audience through events, social media, and other platforms to keep your brand relevant and approachable.

Balancing Brand Awareness and Demand Generation

In the B2B SaaS industry, there is a tendency to focus heavily on building lead lists and driving product marketing efforts to convince people to buy. While these activities are crucial, they are often set up to fail if brand awareness is not robust and consistently maintained. 

Marketers frequently attempt to quickly check the brand awareness box and then divert all resources to demand generation. This approach is fundamentally flawed. The correct proportion involves a balanced effort, where maintaining brand awareness is given equal, if not more, importance.


To bridge the content gap in B2B SaaS marketing, it is essential to integrate b2b brand marketing with b2b content marketing. By clearly communicating your brand's solutions and the problems you solve, you can build meaningful relationships with your audience and position your company as a top-of-mind solution. This approach ensures that your marketing efforts not only drive immediate conversions but also create lasting brand awareness and buyer consideration.

Brand awareness in B2B SaaS is not a static goal but a dynamic spectrum requiring ongoing attention. The brands that get thought of are the brands that get bought. To be the brand that prospects think of, it is essential to build and continuously refresh memory structures that connect your brand to the problems and moments that matter most to your audience. By striking the right balance between brand awareness and demand generation, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are both effective and sustainable.

Written on:
July 6, 2024
Reviewed by:
Prenitha Xavier

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Prenitha Xavier

B2b Content Writer

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